The Psychology Of The Major Arcana (Tarot Cards)

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Tarot cards are a form of divination which assist in allowing a sneak peek into a potential future. A common misconception is that the future is set in stone, and when the cards fall – that is your fate. It may be a bit unorthodox to the orthodox tarot reader, but I have come to understand that the future is malleable, and nothing is set in stone. What can be, will be, but will become because of the thoughts your consciousness is projecting. There may be certain aspects of the future that are beyond our control, but what we can control is ourselves, and controlling our thoughts can create a better reality.

In the 21+ years that I have been reading tarot/oracle cards, I have come to discover that there really is nothing magical, mystical, or fantastical about the cards in themselves… however the intention of knowing allows the universe to “work through you” (in a sense) to show you what you may be soon attracting because of your thinking patterns. The cards are not necessarily a tool to tell your fortune, rather a tool for self exploration of what’s happening here and now.
