The Pure Seed Energy of the New Moon and the Fusion of the Eclipses!! WOW!!

Lia's picture


feminine masculine as one

I think yesterday was the first time I have been able to see and understand clearly what exactly happened during my energy upgrade the last few days.  For as long as I can remember, I could never really discern what happened after days of feeling like energetic crap, we just trust something higher came of it all.

My first reading of the day shined a light on something exciting.  I could see what looked like an incoming solar flare of energy permeating her entire left field, her physical life structure.  I was slightly confused by what I was seeing and feeling, yet the energy and communication from that energy was without a question from a solar release of the sun that was forth coming.

I had already checked before her reading and there was no information about even a possibility of new flares.  But yet, I was certain of what I was seeing.  It wasn’t until after we hung up and I went back and looked at did I get really excited inside.  They updated their website to say:

FAST-GROWING SUNSPOT: Two days ago, sunspot AR1723 did not exist. Now it sprawls nearly 100,000 km (8 Earth-diameters) across the sun’s southern hemisphere. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring the sunspot’s rapid expansion.  AR1723 has a ‘beta-gamma’ magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. If the magnetic field is changing as quickly as the underlying sunspot, it could become unstable and explode.

Instantly, the information coming from her reading and the broader spectrum of understanding happened!!  In my lovely lady’s reading, I knew this upcoming flare’s purpose was to ignite the energy of her physical life field to harness and connect her upcoming experiences.  This solar flare that was so prominent in her field was not touching her body and her field stated the last flare on the 11th served to ignite the codes that were needed within her DNA and because her ongoing choices are taking her to new experiences and enhancements in her physical life, this next solar flare is already lightening up her field of life.

And then I seen something I will never ever forget!!  Gotta love spirit and their visual humor.  We were then taken directly into the energy of the three upcoming eclipses.  The energy of the three eclipses has changed and has become a gel-like solid display on the field of life, but with its own twist.  I keep calling these eclipses a sandwich and the field played directly to that image.  Using yellow and white energy.

The eclipses on April and May 25th are lunar eclipses, I would have assumed the colors would be white, but nope, it is a beautiful yellow.  It is the middle one of May 10th, the solar eclipse that is made up of white energy.  This suddenly says so much about what we can anticipate within ourselves as we move thru this intense cycle.  The yellow (which in my world, depicts spirit/creator energy, the masculine energy of life) is sealed into the lunar energy (the feminine, the dreamer) and vise versa.  My lady’s imagery gave a fullness to this expanse in our time like nothing else could.

I could see her brightly glowing body being dropped into the middle of the first two eclipses.  I watched as she went feet first downwards, below the (perceived) ground and I could feel (but not yet see) her emerging on the other side, to what I call the second half of this eclipse series.  She was flat as a pancake.  I understood she went thru what felt like one of those old ringer washers… where you put the washed clothes between the two ringers and it squeezes the water out and pretty much flattens any clothes (I had one of these when my son was born.)

But equally, and quite excitedly, we did get understanding about what was taking place.  A solidification of the masculine and feminine into one full vibration.  But, equally, like the future solar flare was harnessed in expanding her spiritually created physical life, so is the rollers of this middle eclipse.  The only example I thought of giving of what this means to her and those of us who are in alignment with this process (there are other aspects to this eclipse energy too, depending on where you are in your application and choices within your spiritual life of living) imagine your coffee pot.  When the water runs over the grains of coffee, it produces, well, coffee.  Both the water and the grains are forever altered and fused together to create coffee…. so will be the masculine and feminine.

The ringers are serving to infuse the feminine and masculine into the new molecule of energy, but also, it harness its full potential in the created fields of life itself.  No more just sitting and feeling your spiritual Self, it will be involved fully with Life itself.  How… remains to be seen.

My next two wonderful Beings were undergoing a similar process, each in their own way and in their own phase of it… but it does gives us a fuller view of what is and has been happening since that dynamic new moon energy.

Until yesterday, I thought the only thing the new moon energy was doing was pushing you/us forward in life.  I was able to see the energy stream/force at people’s back but not much else, well, until yesterday that is!!  Holy seed energy batman!!

The seeds of the new, of the never before realized on earth, is being packed into your human bodies!!  Yesterday, I could see what else this massive stream of energy from the new moon is doing.  The seeds, like tiny translucent molecules of pure potential coming in thru the entire back/core of these wonderful people, filling them from head to toe.  While they were still being infused with all this new seed energy, the energies from our (perceived) future was held at bay.  I could still see the future energy assembling by this energetic divider purposely holding back the energy’s until all the seeds are in place and then… wham!!  It will be released and intense and the greatest form of miracle grow known to man.  Instant germination of whatever seeds are ready with the alignment of the persons field of life energy.

However, don’t go thinking these seeds work like the seeds of our gardens.. where you plop a broccoli seed into the ground, water it and it grows broccoli.  Not quite!  Your choices change the energy of the seeds themselves.  Lets say you have a broccoli seed that has germinated and you keep wanting peas… you are altering the pure energy of the seed and will end up brocpea (smile.)  Lets just say, a little less than its full potential.  However, if you consistently follow the streaming energy of the broccoli seed to its fullness on earth, you are going to have a broccoli like never experienced before.

This too, is part of our own training in this phase of our evolution.  To trust the energetic promptings that are coming from within, without question or hesitation.  That is what this 2nd quarter is all about.  Learning from our choices, laughing at the brocpea and changing the energy instantly to allow for the seed energy of the broccoli to be whatever its fullness is on earth, thru your spiritual garden of life.

Granted, we are not growing vegetables  but life experiences, connections, growth and so much more.

I have so much more to share, sadly, I woke up late again and I have class in 20 minutes.  I’ll pick back up tomorrow.

I am soooooo utterly excited about all this, about all you, god knows, together, we rock the clock off the walls of reality!!


Lisa Gawlas
