The question you are asking is, of course, "What can I do about it???"

FromYouToYou's picture

"The question you are asking is, of course, "What can I do about it???"

I See only Children. CEOS are bullies. Sports stars are, well, the same, lol. The “in-crowd” is celebrities. The class president is the President, lol. Billy pushed you in the sandbox today? AIG sold you an unfair deal today? Suzie told you that you were ugly today? Your wife cheated on you today? Don’t you see, these are all the same. The conceptual complexity has changed, nothing more. We are more intelligent, more evolved, thus our illusions appear more “real.” This is especially the case considering our collective nature. We do not know our own power, thus we do not know each other’s power. We do not know each other’s power, thus we do not know our own power. These are the same!

That “systems” of government, money, education, business, politics, etc. exist only demonstrates our Power to create them. These are all illusions, all our creations. These are all ideas, manifested into form. We believe scarcity to exist, thus we create it. We believe evil to exist, thus we create it.

This has all been said. The question, I suppose, is what can we all do about it? The question you are asking, is, of course...


If this site has any “purpose,” it is only this: to demonstrate YOUR true power. I’m not telling you or showing you that you CAN create things such as this; I am telling you and showing you that you ARE creating these things, right now, in this very moment.

Do countries Exist?

Does money Exist?

Does racism Exist?

Does Evil Exist?

Is there abundance Now?

Is there Love Now?

You are Answering these questions in and through your Experience of this Moment.

Now. Always.

So…what can YOU do about it? What can YOU do to change yourself? To change the world? To end all poverty? To create an abundance of love like never before seen or even imagined in all of human history?

What role could you possibly fulfill in this most united, beautiful of purpose?

You can Perceive Love Now.

You can Be Happy Now.

You can Give Now.

Please See that in doing only this, you are joining in the realization of the greatest force known in the entire Universe. By simply believing that you have an abundance of love to give now, you will SEE that you do. By believing that all fellow human beings have an abundance of love to give now, you will SEE that they do. And, most importantly, by simply Believing and therefore Seeing this love in everyone and everything, you will Know that Love is Abundant Now.

Love can always be lacking in the past and future because these are our creations. Love can and will be lacking in the past and it can and will be lacking in the future. This is because neither exist except in our imagination. And while we can imagine love to have been lacking in the past or that it will be lacking in the future; Love has been, will be and is abundant the only time it can be and the only time it must be: Now.

It is in Seeing the power that your beliefs have, and by seeing that power in everyone and everything, that you will begin to See, therefore to Experience and therefore to Know that You can be, think, do, and create anything you want! The world IS our creation!

So…can you see how silly the question of “What can I do?” really is? You can create whatever you want to in this very perception, right now, always.

You can believe the world to be filled with problems, to be filled with violence, to be filled with inequality, and thus to continue to question, wonder, and suffer based on your perceived “state of the world/reality,” or you can Know Truth, you can Know Love, you can Know Thyself.

Please remember, please Know: It only takes One to change All of this....


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You can read this entry in context for free at: www.

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        Re: What can I do

cloud9's picture





Re: What can I do about it.


First off, my dear, you did not create any of those dramas

of chaos , injustices , pain.

Believe in what I said  or you will really feel down, helpless

and depressed about what world you created.


You are innocent and pure.




Let's begin.

You are dual in nature. The Creator  (spirit) and

Created  (human) all in one package. 


Spirit created the YOU  that you now know.  You only know this Creator-Spirit  as an idea.  While in this dual-packaging predicament,don't make the mistake of claiming that you created everything, that you are the creator-God.  You won't be able to solve your rubik's cube of life riddle. It is necessary to unravel this puzzle first, by examining  your descent to duality.


Why were you created.....?


As the ultimate tool to experience  life.


Who created these experiences.......?


Creator -Spirit, God , of course.


what are these creations......? everything. Good, bad, ugly.

There is nothing Creator can't Yep. the archons, reptilians,

new world order... the IRS and the money beast.  ...everything .




Creator wants to push the edges of where it is not....thru you.

Your uniqueness, your individual energy signature.


How did you get into this predicament of experiencing all these unpleasantries

such as diseases, insanity, pain and suffering and death........?


You made a blanket pre-birth agreement with the Divine  to go to sleep. Become amnesiac, forget everything that you are, before coming to earth.


So, you went to sleep and now somnambulating, claiming to be the Creator God.......................

Not quite.



In truth of being dual is...You can be the I AM that you are,

or the Asshole human that you are.


your choice.


As  the Awakened I AM, you can easily break the pre-birth agreement with the Divine and move on. After all, as the I AM, you   all the atoms of your Universe bow to your command. How easy is that.


You as the  human, ....You were a blank slate.  Pure, like a flower. You exist only in the Now, you cannot reference the past nor the future, for you have none. You never had any reincarnation . Spirit had these reincarnation lifetimes. Those memories of other lifetimes were implants, per agreement. Not yours. You agreed to continue the karmic dramas owned by Spirit, into your pathetic life.  So, let go of all that guilt, all that shame, realizing now that we all participated in this world drama while we were under the spell, under  contract with the Divine.


But if you choose to remain human, .............

You know the ending of that story already.



