By John Holland
Recently for the New Year I wanted to do something positive for myself and decided to once again sign up for an 8-week group meditation class. It’s a chance to be committed to my meditation and I know that it will be my quiet time, which will be time with my soul. For many of us, meditation conjures up images of a guru chanting from the top of a mountain, or a monk sitting in quiet solitude in a sacred temple, surrounded by incense smoke floating in the air.
Others believe that meditation is as simple as closing one’s eyes and going into a trance, or at the most basic level, that you only need to let your mind go totally blank to enter some meditative state. What’s more achievable and realistic, is that you can train yourself to watch your thoughts come in, and go right out again through your mind, a bit like flowing water. Soon, these same thoughts will lose their power to influence your conscious mind.
Meditation is merely a state of being, in which the active mind slows down....