by Veronica Tioicha
Why teach children to speak to plants and rocks and animals? The truth is, they already do it. If you tell a 5 year old she can communicate with animals, not only will she believe you, she probably already knows how to. Children have this incredible natural connection to the spirit life around us. Our job is to nurture that. Do you see how all of us are born caretakers of the Earth? This is a gift not to be taken lightly and not to be discarded, as it so often seems it is.
So why encourage children to listen to the Earth and the Moon and the Stars? Because it has the ability to change our world. I refer to this as raising modern Shaman children but really it is just raising children to be conscious.
We need more children who grow up and still think like children. We need more grownups who still commune with nature and recognize its deep knowledge.