Reconciling Nondualism, Cognitive Therapy & Gurdjieff

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It would seem that among the readers of Collective Evolution there is a very clear sense that “something is off” that germinated at an early age.  This prompted a search amid dissatisfaction with conventional belief systems.

My good friend Michael Jeffreys, who runs what was the Santa Monica Eckhart Tolle meetup but is now a more general Advaita-oriented satsang in Los Angeles, talks about this often, and lists many areas in which he searched looking for answers until Eckhart’s books and his own quest led him to a recognition that conceptual analytic “truth” is always off.

I have benefited greatly from my association with Michael, mainly in terms of peeling away the many unrecognized layers of beliefs and concepts that I took for granted.

In my own case, this resulted from a sort of reconciliation with three disparate but in my view congruent traditions—cognitive therapy, the Gurdjieff tradition, and Eastern thought and what is now commonly called Advaita or Nonduality.
