This was written in 2011 and just re-read it and thought it reflective to now!
The feeling within about everything
is different than I have
ever experienced before.
It has slight reflections of my whole life,
but not a familiar clarity as I
have known in the past.
This is new and deeper.
It is right down to the core of all things.
Very much like the earth and
what it is experiencing.
~It is our own global warming!~
Our bodies are experiencing such a powerful surge physically that the shift of our entire being has been affected. We are emotionally filled with angst. That is the word I chose, you may have another word in mind that fits you! The interesting thing is that, there is a peace about it as well.
A feeling of readiness for whatever comes.
Ironically while I am just moving
back up the financial aspect of energy,
this surge showed up.
Continuously I ponder this affirmation:
"I am at peace with my worth.
I am in trust that all is well.
My resources are always there and
they are ready for pick up anytime!"
I have said this many times,
this time it is felt at the core.
The shedding of layers we are going through this time is very dense.
We are shedding the deepest core issues. Earth is experiencing this as well. We are expanding and have entered a new more viable and magical voyage.
What appears is not in stone,
and it can change in a moment.
Be Impeccable with your Integrity,
your Authenticity of Truth,
the Courage of Kindness in all
you do and allow.
If you pay attention and persevere
on these few things,
life from this point on will be easier.
That is where we are now.
This is a discipline for most of us.
We have been living in a much more complicated mind set. (EGO Program)
As said often, " Simple concepts,
not so easy to sync up with."
It is time to plug in, get recharged
and create a new perspective.
Have fun with that.
Find the joy in that concept!
See how worthy and grateful you are for what is right in front of you.
Give yourself a hug for having the courage and strength to keep moving.
Moving forward in the moment with trust.
Life is magical and all we desire is attainable,
if we remember the simple principals
of being Authentic.
Reflect and Re-Evaluate with that in mind.
~Connect it to your heart!~
This is the best ride of life you have got, make it worth your while!
Love, Light & Laughter,
Reflections & Re-Evalulations
I was just about to log off when your poem popped up. Serendipity working in my life yet again. Boy, you got my attention and I must say, this is very well written because I can tell it is from your heart. I wish I could print it and place it on my fridge! I loved, "This is the best ride of your life you have got, make it worth your while". Wise words! Sending you waves of love, light, and laughter for making my day! Peace be wit you and an abundance of blessings.
I am that I am I love YOU all.
Thank You!
Love, Light & Laughter, Michelle