Researchers Discover that the Tulasi Plant Can Be Used To Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water

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Theglobalistreport, By: Andrew Puhanic, Published 04/23/2013


AN exciting and new water treatment breakthrough has been announced that will now make the removal of fluoride from the drinking water supplies of the world’s poorest people more affordable than ever. Researchers from Rajasthan University in India have discovered that the Tulasi plant, also known as Holy Basil, can be used to significantly reduce the amount of fluoride in drinking water.


At present, the most reliable methods used to remove excessive fluoride from drinking water are either too expensive or not suitable for the environments where they are needed most. The method discovered by researchers from  Rajasthan University is safe, cheap and readily available, making it an ideal alternative for communities who can’t afford to use the more advance techniques of removing fluoride that are readily available in the west.


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