If what I read before about Planet Earth being a Living Library is true then I feel this message will help restore some sense of balance. If we look at this Planet and especially our ecosystems we understand that there is a natural sense of balance. As an example the Crestone Valley was once a marsh land with beautiful flowers growing and it was natural. Then big cattle ranchers started to divert the streams in order to feed and water their cows...this caused things to dry up. Because we felt the need to have more meat in our diets things like this occurred.
If we look at the Plant Kingdom we known there are plants that will heal us, some that can be used for psychic visions and such and some that will kill us if we eat them and others that if we come in contact w/ them will cause rashes and such. Some good some bad but still when we understand them we know they serve a purpose.
If we look at our animal kingdom we see there are herbavores that eat only the plants, they are gentle and kind by nature. We also have our carnavors which by nature prey on the other animals. Yet it's a balance and the natural lifecycle that was created upon this Planet.
We understand that these types of ecosystems also exist within this Universe and others as well. The Holographic Universe explains this multi-dimensional reality and that they are all existing at the exact same moment.
Humans were also created and we also represent the different star systems as well. Yet as we can see our society and this Planet has been thrown out of balance. Certain species have dominated and destroyed the natural balance. It's time that it's restored. We came here to assist others within this understanding. Not every species has the same morals and values as another and it's up to us to understand them. It doesn't mean we have to participate but it's not up to judge them as evil or wrong. We must come to a mutual and joint understanding and an agreement. Just because a species tries to dominate through fear does not mean it shall win. For TRUTH, Compassion and Love always win when you have everyone's best interest at Heart.