education must be a tool that teach how to be happy and create reality.
education must be ascessible to all people who wish to study not just the rich.
education shall be free from birth to doctora
education must be repaid if the studend go work in another country
we must asure a education of quality
there should be more funding in new science in university
the entire psychiatric program must be rethink
know that psychiatry is the bigest scam of the 21 first century
its a phylosophy of inveting disease with dangerous antidote who cause the problem they preten to cure
all nation shall nationalize its bank and put it into public trust
every nation shall natinalize its natural resource
only individual shall have the right to fund politic corporation and business shall be exclude to fund political party
the rich contry shall reduce there subvention to non organic agriculture
and end subvention to meat industry
every province of canada will become a country and every state of usa will become a country big gouvernement mean big corution big war and dictate choice.
investment and subvention to small organic farm is nesesary for food sovreighty
corn or other vegetable for ethanol shall be stop as it destroy environement and contribute to higher cost of food
we shall have a national housing program
tent zone for poor people in every city with shower and toilette
we shal think about global warming by reducing the number of car on the road if amost all the city are link by train and bus less people will by car
more subway station in big city
developing city agriculture more comunoty gardend and roof gardening
primary school shall be a place where childrend can dream and learn to be imaginatif and creative
school shall teach how to prepare healthy food
every gmo produc shall be label and its health risk shall be write on the label as they have make test on animal and its reduce considerably there life span
all subvention to meat industry shall be forbidend
know that usa, canada, europe, australia is not democracy but a oligachy of capitalist profiting only a few people
the gouvernement shall be there to develope more local autonomy
we need to rethink socialist to fit 21 first century and be compatible with spiritual teaching and new science.
the world is a small city and the world its but one think about abolishing border betwen nation
legalize hemp for food and textile production
all debt of nation a mean all nation third world contry and idustrialize contry shall be abolish the fed shall be end new world wide moneytary system shall be put in place and printing money with out interest
end fractional reserve loan system develope a resource base economy
end the federal reserve money system
ban violent film and video game for people under 21
the senat is undemocratic and shall be abolish
every primary and high school shall have healthy meal distribution
we shall decentralise food production
all nation shall nationalize pharma industry as they have create more disease that cure and put it into public trust
develope a nutritional program in school for the health of the nation
all people as right for good food and medecine
a spiritual program shall be develope for the 8 year old to the end of high school and optional in university the psylosophy shall be base on the singularity of all life contain no notion of demon and evil spirit no notion of havean and hell as its duality .
we live in hell because people subconsciously belive it.
all nation shall develope a civil psychic spy program to wacth our leader and keep them honest and asure there intergrity
all vernon howard book shall be a must read for all high school kids
teach meditation and holistic principle to all kids
the role of emotion and subconscious belief shall be teach
the spiritual program shall be inspire by sufism, boudist, taoism, yoga,quiqong and new discovery in science
there shall be subvention and tax credit for kids who want do sport ,art martial, karate, judo,aikido,kungfu,yoga quiqong,and reiki,holistic medecine
there will be a world wide cahos before the second renaisnace of man
its time to awake humanity or all perish together
all you need to heal the world and your self is love humility intergrity peace and truth
there is some people who can rethink education , society, medecine and psychiatry
jacob israel truth teller
tony samara meditation teacher and shaman
sonia barrett spiritual activist
gerald odonell probablefuture psychic spying
eckar toole meditation teacher and the earth to come
deepak chopra meditation teacher and spiritual activist and quantum science
mitchell gibson psychiatrist and spiritual leader
ben orion ashtar comand crew
Carl Sagan's global vision
jame redfield the earth will become havean
greeg braden nasa scientific and spiritual leader
max igan nature and humanity activist
bruce lipton biologist , spiritual and new scientific truth
max kiser journalist
gerald calente economist
ron paul politic of peace and truth
rick simson healing with canabis
the truth is stranger that fiction
if you care about the world share this note
nothing that happend in the world is random
thankyou for reading
what it take to heal.
realise there is no victime.
you are the creator of your illness and health,
science now as prove that disease are not the result of our gene ineritate by our parent.
is the way you have learn how to live and you tought action alimentation and behavior that is responsible for your health.
its as being prove by scientific experiement that a child as 80% chance of developing the same disease of the parent.
if you take a family that have a history of cancer generation after generation and take one of is child under the age of 1 and put it in a family that as long and healthy life the child will not develope cancer and if you take a child that come from a family that as no history of cancer or other type of disease and put it in a family that as a history of disease the child as 80% chance of developing patology.
you have learn to operate from your parent you have take your parent belief and a part of there way of thinking and judging.
at birth you inerite of all the subconscious knowledge of the two parent event if your not at age of knowing it it imprint in you subconscious and your reality operate from there.
now you have to learn to unlearn and question everyone of your belief.
if your parent and close relative have bad health if you copy there behavior and tought you most likely to get sick.
if you want learn how to live long and healthy observe the behevior of people who stay healthy and young.
observer nature and learn to listen to the voice of nature and the voice within.
before you blame your gene for a disease or chance and hasar factor know that there is no coincescidence and nothing is random everything as a reason and order.
all that happend in our life is manifest by us our subconscious belive create your reality 98% of people are not aware that they create there life situation health and sickness.
your subconscious belief and behavior are more important in the creation of ilness that the gene is not the gene that is responsible for your disease its your behavior tought belief and alimentation .
after you become conscious you realise that we are responsible for everything that happend in our life health joy and beauty and all the sickness bad situation hell reality that we can go through there is no victime no one to blame it make people who sufer very angry to hear that kind of statement but it is the truth know that the truth pass by 4 stage first it is ignore then people laugh at it then they fight it and become angry and the last stage it appear to be self evident.
when i say to some one who sleep in the dream call life you are creating your life it get mad or laugh most of the time.
you dont have to take blame and full resposability for living a hellish live unitil you become aware of how reality work.
we are not responsible for the past only the futur because the knowledge was hide from us it is now give to us then is our choice to use it and change the world and stop play the victime.
we have now the knowledge that as being hide from us.
you dont have to fight anything more you fight something the stronger it get.
emotion tought and subconscious belief are the master key of your reality.
people think of emotion as a inner reaction to what they ear see or happend to them.
you need to steep out of that idea the emotion of joy love or fear and worry when energize create a reality that the thing be good or bad in you perception if you energize it with fear and worry or with love and joy it will manifest love and joy create faster fear and worry create slow but it become reality.
reality and present mechanical and psysique universe was a myth the role of a myth is to propose a reality if the mass aceept it as truth it become reality but not the truth we live in a myth a hellish reality because is what was put in our subconscious.
what make us sick pride anger competition gossip resistance worry fear war control judgement negative tought and victime mentality ,love of material and thing, limitative belief.
what make us healthy humilty kindness joy peace aceptance happiness talk about new idea love and positive tought ,cooperation, belive the imposible is posible,love of people and nature to let each soul free will to create as they wich realisation that we are co creator of everything in our life.
evil dont exist meet me in a place that as no good nor bad a place of singularity where havean is real.
evil dont exist there neither good or bad meet me where singularity meet where havean is real and will become one.
manifestation will not change the world meditation and visualisation will.
dont fear speak your truth no mather how strange it sound and dont defend it.
if you defend mystic experience or belief it will cause some psysical illness.
how to live as you like
understand what happiness is, clear your understanding of what reality realy is.
be earnest toward life dont be grimly serious.
dont let negative feeling create your destiny, create a new feeling and perception.
you possess everything for a happy life here and now.
dont let the situation dictate how you feel.
the higher you climp the lader of truth the less you bother with your self.
while adding the kingdom of god within your self now do you realy enjoy your life not realy most people fear the very pleasure they pursue.
to be witness of the truth within you is the only thing that will ever give you security and peace to a insecure and warring world.
every man is making the great search consciously or not.
everyone want to enjoy health joy and happiness.
the truth is not harsh we only see it that way because it destroy our programing and belief.
it appear harsh because of our ignorance.
become aware of the many fals authotities religious or gouvernemental and every exterior thing seeking to distract you like idol and worship.
higher autorities exist there is a cosmic hierachy you must aling with it or you will suffer all you life.
shield your self from distracting authorities simplify your effort the only thing you can do is make thing more clearer easier and transarent this is.
let the next idea help you repeatedly read review dicuss life giving idea.
understand that cosmic insight alone bring emecipation from metal slavery and pain.<
idol and statut worship produce pain and death.
as you think you are fade you true self will appear be patient simply let thing come in their own way you can handle with natural inteligence.
its the forcing of life that cause grief let each day dawn spontaneously you earn freedom when you are free of influence fear and desire.
refuse to limit your self you will expand beyond your fondest dream.
let love and intuition be your guide walk lightly.
dont belive other people can do you good cause its a belive in duality mean your subconscious will also belive the oposite and you can be harm by life.
no person has the power to give you happiness or take it away.
remeber that guine happiness never change regardless of exterior condition it just is.
you must understand who you truely are and the reason you act as you do rebel against you own mental chains empty your mind of every belief recononize fals idea that enslave you impose by society and popular culture.
a man will not shove aside his illusion wich he think are fact until he awake from the dream call life awake to its true nature.
dont try to change people or convert them to anything.
the one who block someone liberty without reason block is abondance.
please your self as you own intergrity direct or sufer the lost of liberty and health.
have faith is the ultimate remedie against worry.
jesus walk the earth now you wont reconize him til you find who live in you.
you create what you fear and what you love fear and love create so erase your fear and worry learn peace and faith and you will heal
study material for procyonlotor cosmic university
(carl jung tought and idea) (rumy peoete sufism),(max plank quantum scientist (albert einstein cosmic religion) ,(nikola tesla free energy) (terence Mckenna Schizophrenic or Shamanic? and more on youtube),(gerald odonell remote influencing remote viewing ) (sonia barrett the cosmic game in 3d,and holographic canvas) ,(vernon howard cosmic comand and the mystic path to cosmic power) (greeg braden video on youtube spontanious healing of belief,divine matrix, science of miracle,lost mode of prayer,the isaia effect all are in book to) (manly p hall secret destiny of america), (bob marley john lennon and rush micheal jackson music), (mitchell gibson hiden science of miracle and your imortal body of light , spirit science and more) (caroline myss energytic healing,the wounden healer and more on youtube) (bruce lipton biology of belief and spontanious evolution on youtube and in book.),(ralph waldo emerson tought and idea.),(egard cayce on reincarnation) (max igan awakening , tance-formation shanmannistic knowledge on youtube) (ekhart tolle new earth and the power of now) ,(jame redfield celestine prophecy movie, and various spiritual book) ,(Carl Sagan's astronomy and global vision), (Seth Speaks on the eternal validity of the soul and nature of personal reality and intro to seth by Jane Roberts.) (the 4 agrement tolteque audio book or book)
(make all kids and parent study yoga, quiqong,nlp, taoism, reiki classe), martin luther king prophecy and hopi prophecy `(thepeacefull warrior film and book) (rainbow warrior) the living matrix documentery this is the medcine of the future marc chauvette 9 august 1978
the end of occident will be the birth of the world
That helped realigne
thank you I had gone deep yesterday in higher states, I woke up this morning in a different state with worry's to what I had written, this has helped me in regaining my grip.
Be at one