The Retrograde Relay Race~Mercury's handed the baton!

Lia's picture


I don’t know about you guys, but I find this kind of funny! I mean, we just finished a retrograde period with Venus, and now we’re already facing Mercury retrograde as of 2 days ago! I think that Venus, Mercury and Mars did a group huddle and decided that in the early half of this year, they were going to test us. It’s a conspiracy I tell you!

Seriously though! From December 21st of 2013 to January 31st, Venus flaked out on us. One week later (February 6th), Mercury has decided to do his own thing until February 28th….AND…here’s the kicker. The day Mercury resumes his normal motion is the day Mars picks up the retrograde baton and oh so slowly makes his way to the finish line on May 19th.

It’s a veritable Retrograde Relay Race and Mercury has the baton now! As of this moment, Mercury is in the sign of Pisces and he will continue his backwards run through this sign until the 12th when he crosses over into Aquarius. From now until the 12th, the logical mind takes a back seat and the emotional nature takes over. We become dominated by feeling and old memories, issues and nostalgia make their way to the forefront of consciousness.

When in Pisces, Mercury is said to fall. His essential functions (the mind and logic) cannot perform in the emotional depths of Pisces. Add his retrograde nature to this condition and it can make for some wacky experiences. Don’t be surprised if you hear things wrong (hilariously wrong), if you stumble into awkward situations where things are not as they seem, or perhaps you are confronted with the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the very depths of you. For those who have attended the Empower Thyself class, remember that emotions come from the Higher Self and are messages to us in the moment. If you haven’t attended that class, I cannot recommend it to you highly enough! The tools and teachings you receive literally change how you direct your life. For more info on the class, contact Aleks at

On the 12th, Mercury recedes into Aquarius and while the brain regains some of its normal function, theoretical thinking is still challenged. This retrograde period will be a lesson in how the brain often makes assumptions when piecing together information received from the senses. Take for example the picture below taken from a bottle of Vitamin water I happened to be drinking on the first day of Mercury Retrograde (while I coincidentally happened to be looking for an image similar to this):

The very text describes the process that is taking place in your brain as you read it. Your brain will make assumptions about the information that is received and that is (for example) why editing documents can be a tough process. You actually have to stop the brain from making assumptions and see things as they are. So to go back to Mercury Retrograde, this period will challenge us to see things as they are with the two eyes in our head and the third eye that exists within our Etheric body.

As a general practice, I recommend meditation. It’s a wonderful tool that enhances your ability to connect to your intuition and to see things as they are. I also recommend turning off the autocorrect on your phone and catching your own spelling mistakes. There are all sorts of memory and visual prowess games to play online, take 5 minutes to play a game or two and train your brain to pick up on details instead of making them up.

Lastly, cultivate that intuition! Whenever the mind takes a back seat, the intuition is free to venture forth. There’s a wonderful class called Spiritual Intuition that can help you to identify your gifts and further develop them. The time that you invest in developing your gifts now will pay you off the rest of the time when the logical mind attempts (and often succeeds) in taking the steering wheel once more.

So laugh at the delights and train all 3 of yours eyes to perceive reality at this time! The backpedalling of Mercury isn’t all that bad if you're willing to work with it! Enjoy Mercury's version of the moonwalk! I know I will!


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The facts are staring at me.

JoyanaBrook's picture

The facts are staring at me..reflecting affirming in the mirror.. however, nothing can be accuratelly understood or communicated..except a few rare Pisceans like ME.  The TRUTH MAY NEVER BE KNOWN..NOR CAN IT BE

PROVEN!!!!    I am doing my best..walking the matter what the ‘talk’ step at a moment-to-moment…IN THE NOW~  doing what I CAN DO…and knowing what I CANNOT DO.  

Any suggestions that might improve this situation?  I WELCOME ALL to offer ‘positive’ comments..other solutions~

Thank You!!!!!

Blessings to y’all~

