What if everyone welcomed everyone into their hearts? What if it were easy and natural to accept everyone? No effort involved. What has made it so difficult for Me in the form of you to welcome everyone to Our fold? There is some need this fills, or no one would dismiss this person or that. You would not. You would not block anyone from your heart and let in only those especially chosen. You would not bar some or any from your heart nor would you welcome some and then later decide to toss them out.
There may be more people that you don’t favor than those you do. This makes no sense.
Ego must play some part in this. Ego might be looking for status. Ego likes to judge. You might hear ego call out: “Unworthy of you. Skip that one.”
Ego might whisper in your ear, and you turn away from someone you would bless with a hello. You never know. Welcoming all to this world does not make you gallant. The least you can do is to move over and offer another a seat. What can be so hard about having a generous heart?
Of course, you can’t marry everyone. You can’t bring your whole class home with you after school, yet what says that you are not ready to be on behalf of everyone? I wonder why you make lists in your mind and cross out some hearts from your heart. What is the good of it? If being exclusive makes you happy, how can that be? You snub someone, and you feel good about it?
If there is a fence to climb, help everyone climb over the fence. Otherwise, you discriminate. What you are really doing is removing yourself. You remove opportunity. You exclude yourself. Be a friend to humankind. We are talking about you who may not smile at or even look at this one or another. Do you think that your being cordial would disgrace you? It seems to Me that you may be disgracing yourself. If I see all as worthy, how can it be that you don’t? If everyone is good enough for Me, how come everyone is not good for you? When I say good enough, I mean good enough to be cordial to.
I am a God of all. I do not snub anyone. I do not make categories. I do not cross out. I am not being tolerant. I welcome all. I am not deceived by appearances. I don’t look for reasons to keep anyone out of My heart. There is no reason that would satisfy Me. There simply cannot be a reason good enough.
When you are not hospitable to someone, you denigrate yourself. You may think you are restricting someone else, yet it is yourself that you restrict. Even when you do not consider that everyone is One, you are not treating your little self well. You must not have such a high opinion of yourself that you can presume to see virtue in being less than genial. What happened to humility?
Do not do unto others what you would not like to have done unto you.
Concede that everyone is your brother or sister. Concede that you are brother or sister to everyone.
All are in a lifeboat together that is called the world. There is room for all, and there is place for all. Accommodate others. There are no lepers, do you understand Me?
I entrust you to lift the world. If the world needs to be uplifted, I ask you to do it.
No one is a joke, beloveds. There is no one to be careless about. Your opportunity is now. Such an opportunity may never come again. Everyone who goes through life deserves friendliness and respect. There is no least of you. There is God, and this is God’s world. The world is not to be mocked. You are to be the inn that has room for all.