Before I retire to Bed to read my book about China and Communism Rule, which is right timing! I must write this. I read a lot of misinformation about this and Pleidians etc.
What I wish to state is this (I think?)
God Essence is Pure Energy of Love.
When two or more come in my name, so shall you know Love, feel love and speak love.
The body may also absorb these intense pure energy , the Holy trinity of male female and holy spirt or MotherFatherGod.
Much fantisising about this subject do I read, yet it is an area, that needs to be allowed to flow into all that IS.
It is the same as when that wonderful light of God descends into the physical body, the union is private and sacred between only you and god, and the journey of love begins.
The same for Twin Flame Sacred Re-Union.
When asked or when healing, I advised God is like the Sun, all warm and glowing, Love.
When asked about Sacred Sex, I am almost saddened that SEX comes into this. It is the joining of The Two Souls within the Eyes of God into Oneness. How the physical couple explore this, is their business only.
Once the Reunion has effected within the Heart of God, and the particles of love flow, it is this same love that explodes each cell into love.
This is why it is named Sacred.
Sacred Love, Eternal love, Infinite Love.
p.s The twin Flame.....and
p.s The twin Flame.....and Sacred Reunion.
Spontaneous Orgasm occurs - just holding their hand, hearing their voice, et al.
The 'Bonking' bit also is NOT. It is far far deeper.
This is the same message as going to church to honor God, but not really having a clue about Real God's Unconditional Love. I do not visit places of God, as God is all that IS.
Same with this subject.
Now - when my Beloved Seeds me in the Physical the Holy spirit is exploded through every Cell in this reality. WE both must be Pure of the Absolute, with ONLY UNCONDITIONAL Love for each other.
The Return of the Pure Female Energy!!!! Of Creation.
Now I AM impaired for kissing this time, and My Love has beautiful kisses, yet just holding my hand will have an equal or greater effect, as it has before......This is LOVE.
It needs No Thing. As it is All Things.
Just for My TF, Looking
Just for My TF,
Looking grand in his suit, reading about his work, seeing his picture, dreaming about him, and especially dreaming about cuddles. Dreaming about the daytime of when I am to see him again, once the workday is concluded, and he comes home to ME, and speaks of his day. My Day? is yet to be formed, for my Life's work is HIM, and he knows this. And FULLY accepts this now.
This is Unconditional Love. My Life begins soon as OUR life and he knows this also. Difficult concept to grasp for one as independant as I. Still that is God for YOU!!
God has slammed me really into Zero Point today, and only Love is Left.!
For in his eyes, do I find Myself. And so it IS.
See all that above - without mentioning SEX??????
This is Love. Thank You and Good Night, I am off to learn about China in Honor of My Beloved Gramps, who was my protector before My Love was awakened to this duty, as MY Protector. And My Love and My Husband. My ALL.
This Love is HUGE HUGE AND YES HUGE........
Just as the NEW SUN.........SON.
Thankyou to my twin flame and
Thankyou to my twin flame and angels and legions of light.....
To to my love for keeping me alive.
Of all the folk never requiring a crown it would be your lady.....
I knew yesterday would be a terrible day as awoke in tears.
We hve achieved a new beginning, we have achieved childlike wonder to arrive. We have achieved love.
Resting today. Clean kisses incoming.
I love you.
My mouth is white after being
My mouth is white after being black.....Anyhow I'm more excited about my shops!!! Ha ha. God spoke girl be tough resourceful. Fight with right way xxxx jigging?
Blog. Perhaps. First. Recover
Blog. Perhaps. First. Recover health. Kisses prep. Xxx
Chocolate now. I love my
Chocolate now. I love my love. Heart on fire. Xxx whiz chic bunny wabbit. Sucking it x