Scientists Create Virtual 3D Shapes That Can Be Seen And Felt!

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Scientists at the University of Bristol have developed a haptic system, with the help of which it is possible to see and touch virtual 3D models.

Haptic technology simulates the sense of touch in virtual reality (creating so-called touch feedback) and is widely used in mobile phones and gaming. It has also found a number of applications in medical training and surgical simulation, and now it has been used by British scientists to create haptic holograms which can be seen and felt.

With the help of ultrasound, the system creates disturbances in the air, which can be felt on the skin and thus simulate the sense of contact with the object. The method is based on the effect ultrasound has on physical objects, known as acoustic radiation force. By observing the behavior of the sound, it is possible to determine the shape of the object hit by the sound wave. The researchers used this effect to focus ultrasound patterns to cause air disturbances and thus form virtual 3D shapes in mid-air, which can be felt when placing one’s hand above the device.
