by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution
The Flower of Life is most likely something that you have seen before. It is a common symbol of many spiritual and religious teachings around the world. The Flower of Life has been found all over the world in many different religions. It is one of the oldest sacred symbols known to man. It is a geometrical shape that is made up of multiple overlapping circles of the same size. There is a huge amount of information and knowledge that can be gained from understanding the Flower of Life. It is considered to be sacred geometry that contains ancient religious value and to sum it up it depicts the fundamental forms of space and time, but there is a lot more to know. Let this be an introduction to The Flower of Life.
The oldest depiction of the flower of life known to man is at The Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt. The symbol here is not etched or carved into the granite rock, it appears to be burned into the rock. Many other depictions can be found within many ancient structures in many different countries including: Israel, Turkey, Ireland and many more. A rather interesting depiction of the flower of life is found in The Forbidden City, in Beijing, China. The Flower of Life is found in a spherical form underneath the paw of the “Fu-Dog,” or more accurately known as the “Guardian Lion.” This palace was home to 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Fu-Dogs were a symbol of protection to the buildings and their inhabitants and also, they were considered to be the guardians of knowledge. Which is interesting when you consider the spherical Flower of Life symbol that is found under the dog’s paws. The dogs are literally guarding the knowledge.
It was mentioned above that The Flower of Life was considered to be sacred geometry, but what does that mean?
What is “Sacred Geometry?”
Back in the day, certain numbers had a symbolic meaning aside from their everyday use. Various shapes such as triangles, hexagons and octagons are considered a physical manifestation of a number. Because of this, these shapes hold a higher vibrational value because of the fact that they are visible. Because of this Leonardo DaVinci was very interested in the Flower of Life and studied its form and mathematical properties. He was also interested in how the Flower of Life connected to physical reality as well as consciousness. Leonardo drew the Flower of Life itself, as well as the Seed of Life. Leonardo was known for using the Golden Ratio of Phi in his artwork, this is also known as the Fibonacci Spiral. Which is derived from the Flower of Life pattern.
I am sure many of you have heard of The Fibonacci Spiral before, the Fibonacci Spiral is the series of numbers 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34… each number is comprised by adding together the previous 2 numbers. This is important because the spiral that this mathematical equation makes can be found in all living things including human beings, plants, animals and even our galaxy, The Milky Way.
There are many ancient sites that have been built on these geometric principles such as: The Parthenon –Athens, Greece -438B.C. The Giza Plateau – Egypt – 2600 B.C. The Taj Ma Hal India.. this is very fascinating considering that there are also many ancient sites and structures that have been fond to contain the symbol of The Flower of Life.
The Flower of Life can also be related to sacred geometry by understanding Metatrons Cube. Metatrons cube is the name for a geometric figure that is made from connecting lines from the center of each 13 circles to the other 12 circles. These circles come from the Fruit of Life, which comes from an extended version of the Flower of Life. To understand this more, please check out the video below for a more thurough explanation.
Video from “Spirit Science” ( This video provides a brief, but detailed introduction to The Flower of Life, The Seed of Life, The Egg of Life, Sacred Geometry and Metatron’s Cube. Check it out!
Understanding The Flower of Life certainly help us to understand how the Universe works. It can be used as a tool for connecting during meditation, and also as a powerful symbol to refer to in your everyday life. Some people even say that having the symbol on your electronic devices can help to diffuse the harmful frequencies that these electronics emit. Overall, It is a wonderful reminder that we are all connected, to each other and every single thing in the Universe.
I encourage everyone to do some further research into the Teachings of the Flower of Life and I highly recommend the books “The Ancient Teachings of the Flower of Life: Volumes 1&2” By Drunvalo Melchizedeck
Sources Used and Further Readings:
Much Love
Alanna Ketler
Hi, I'm Alanna! My journey really began in 2007 when I began to question what was being presented to me, my path led me to Collective Evolution and I joined the team in 2010. Wow, has it been an incredible journey so far! I am extremely passionate about learning new information! I aim to have a voice for animals and animal rights, I also enjoy writing about health, consciousness and I am very interested in psychedelics for healing purposes! I strongly believe that knowledge is power, and the first step to creating change on this planet is by raising awareness. "If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." -Jack Kornfield