SEP 12, Yoj's Daily Ascended and Free

Yojman's picture

...Now we return to occupying this Divine State,

even as we individually return to

Holy Innocence....continuing...

Ascended and Free Humanity is the I AM Race

within Humanity reclaiming that
which was once hers ...before choosing ego.

Adam and Eve is simply the
perfect Harmony and Balance of the Masculine

and Feminine Ray ...restoring the conditions

where Humanity was intended to live in

Divine Happiness, Peace and Plenty.

We now use the Sacred Fire and the Seventh Ray

Powers of Forgiveness and Invocation to restore

this Quantum State of happiness on Earth

to enjoy as intended ...while in embodiment and

not just after embodiment.

The Power of Perfection is the Quantum Forcefield

of the Mighty I AM Presence. It might be seen as a

Cosmic White Sun emanating from our Mighty
God Presence ...its Divine Aura. It automatically

governs the Divine Light streaming across dimensions

and frequencies, producing ‘the experience of
life' in each one. We simply apply to have it now

include daily life on Earth. On Higher Planes it produces

the desired thoughts and feelings of a Divine Intelligence

into their Perfect Manifestation. In the Holy Trinity,
what is true for the Mighty I AM Presence then manifests through the Solar Christ Self and through the outer self!

At this Point of Cosmic Grace within Humanity's evolution,

we again manifest the Three becoming One! And through
the Holy Trinity, Cosmic Holy Spirit reigns forever!

Dear ones, you will have noticed more affirmations in the recent Journals. Such decrees are for instant use in any particular moment and for repetitive use in ‘building the Momentum of Divine Consciousness.' When we make a

call or invocation when centered in our Three-fold Flame (empty of self, time and space) then it happens instantaneously if that is the only reality for
that moment.  But our service is also about ‘building momentum' ...of reminding the outer world of the

inevitability of Divine Nature, rather than the old habits

of human ego nature.

Repetitive invocation, mantras or ‘decreeing' takes each moment of Truth and stretches it into a continuous

experience of Truth ...until that is all
there is!  In fact, this is the essence of the Ascension.

We are approaching the moment on Earth when fleeting moments of Truth now become a continuous experience of Truth for all humanity.  This occurs through our
collective service with all Lightservers, Angels and

Elementals ...and with the Energies of Cosmic Grace now flooding into the planet.

This process is Divine Precipitation ...‘What I think and feel

I bring into form ...and the more I think it and feel it, the more it comes into form!  


I really need to understand

4dangelo3's picture

I have the new prayer about the migthy Crist flame .and I am saing it but I am not sure how to use it ,or how it work's.I really wont to understand this.can some on tell how to do this please?

Glad that you asked !!

Yojman's picture

In the great flow of creative activity within the Universe, the first projection out from the Great Central Suns (God-s) is the Sacred Fire of GodSource. This FIre follows the Great Original Will / Intent.... It projects what we call Light.... Along that ray of Light the Creative Flame may reproduce itself at any point—inn the Universe. Example, your heart flame, then the flame at the center of each and every cell , etc. , ect.

What is important is to use//direct that (the) Flame  to do what ever you wish it to accomplish for the Universal, your life, anything for constructive good.

For instance, just say: "Beloved Flame within my heart expand and set me Free! . , Or, Beloved Flame within my heart expand and project the feeling of loving Gratitude and bless every part of life that enters my being and world. 

You just make it oyur own prayer.





4dangelo3's picture

That helps alot ,So you are saying that when you cammand the different type flames ,it's like getting help from the defferrent people......"like the "all Crist flame" is Jesues