from Shaman Bridgette

lemme howdt's picture
‎9‎:‎56‎ ‎AM
The 3rd annual Global alter is up!

This years alter is a bit simple but I have been traveling so much this last year with my healing work, shamanism work. The most important part is always intention and prayer setting, it is everything. Last year people from 12 countries sent me intentions and maybe close to 300 intents came in and were put on the alter.

This year the symbol is in honor of Marshall Jack and his work. It is for water.

The numbers activated again for the 3rd year are 3 and 7.
spirit picked these numbers............

I put up the alter for everyone to send intentions by email or comment on fb or fb message to me and I will place on the alter for you.

I give about 3 days. From right now until December 30th by midnight to get your intent in.

From January 1 to the 7th I will clean, smudge, bless and activate the alter for the best possible outcomes.

Please limit your intentions to one or two words. 

You may share this with anyone who may want to add an intention about the New Year, Their New Year. You may add for someone you know who May need healing but may not be open to it. When submitting your word and submitting someone else;s let me know who is who, please use a first name. No need to go into the story, will will let spirit manage it for us. I know some of us had people pass on this year you may add an intent in behalf of them as well.  Dr. Emoto the king of water left us this year so let's be mindful and grateful to him and his work. He has lead many of us into a new system of consciousness with his work with water.

The Earth and her life blood(water) needs us to heal ourselves, when I heal my cancer the Earth Mother Heals her cancer. She is our Mother so of course our sickness would also be hers. Depression, hate, anger, fear, cancer, MS and the like. Heal yourself. May you find what you need this next year to do so and for those who have may you find your heart beat and listen!

I am intending the first intention of what i want from 2014 for myself and everyone else!

I will send out photos of all the intentions, will send out a final word about the closing of the alter and burning of the intentions.

Peace and Love to all, grow food and Earth, Water matters!