Shifting Awareness - The Master Shift

will's picture

When I got home from the hospital in January I put up a sign for others to be aware and responsible for their presence, “Please be mindful of the energy you bring into my space.”  There is a vastness of levels to awareness and consciousness.  I find that most people walk around in oblivion (me included).  Unfortunately I have grown hypersensitive to energy and have to remind myself that not everyone knows the crap they carry with them.  This force is the influential factor to who and what we are in this world.  The more aware you are of your emotions the easier you can navigate through this life.

As I rest during the night I witness a few levels of awareness.  The first one is self-awareness:  my body on the bed, breathing, discomfort, cold, achy, tired, relaxed, etc.  The second one is the awareness of my surroundings:  cars driving by, temperature in the room, my mate’s snores, cats running outside the room, a dog barking in the distance, etc.  The third awareness is the one that takes me past the veil of what we see and feel as “real.”  This is the one that most people cannot understand and have little respect for its sensitivity.  This is the “other realm.”  In this awareness I feel the movement of spirits or energy in the room, I hear breathing and whispers, I can see orbs, I can see auras and shapes, I receive messages, etc.

In this esoteric realm the awareness seems to be disregarded by most.  The energy and mood brought into others’ spaces is magnified.  Whatever your situation, the external world will latch onto it.  I have been to places that I immediately have to leave because the energy is so heavy.  My third form of awareness is not always “on” but my sensitivity is still picking it up.  I can’t imagine the damage I must’ve made in others’ spaces when I was in chaos, turmoil, excited or depressed.  I am responsible for those emotions and it is irresponsible to carry them outside of my space.  Don’t get me wrong, we all have bad days but it is up to us to be aware of what we are carrying.  No one else needs our extra baggage!

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