Sick Of Nasty Chemical-Laden Household Cleaners? Try Making Your Own!

will's picture

Think you’re making the smarter, healthier buy with “green” cleaning products? You might still be spraying some nasty, environment-harming chemicals in your home. A lot of products that are supposed to be environmentally friendly still contain chemicals like 2-Butoxyethanol, which is linked to birth defects, reproductive problems, and a host of other diseases.

So if you can’t even be safe from chemicals in green cleaners, what can you do? You can make your own, that’s what! Here’s an easy, step-by-step to making your own citrus vinegar cleaner.

You will need:

1 jar with a lid.
White distilled vinegar
Organic citrus fruit (I like to use oranges but you can use any kind)
Some kind of straining device (I use an automotive funnel with a screen in it)

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