Blessings to you dear children of the light,
It is becoming almost impossible to not notice the influxes of new energies coming to you at this time, your earth is in the process of is shifting vibration, and you are wondering what to do to keep up. We assure you that you will have an easier time just letting go than trying to feverishly race to do something or be something that is not in alignment with your soul. If you are still trying to sort this one out - what is in alignment with your soul is the moments when you are truly WITH yourself. Your mind is not racing into the future as so many of you do so often... trying to plan and schedule, or drifting off into the "could have been". Neither of these serve you to your highest potential, but drag you into states of imbalance. The best thing you can do for yourself in these shifting times is just to BE. Be with yourself and do things that serve your higher potential. Do what brings you joy!
The new paradigm is being created before your eyes. Many already reside in the 5th dimension here on earth and are used to playing with dimensions all way up to the 13th dimension and beyond. We state numbers so that you can grasp the concept of how far away these dimensions are from the 3rd dimension, but once you even reach the 5th the numbers are just labels anyhow.
This IS the creation of the new paradigm ON EARTH. Change your inner world and your outerworld reflects. You are getting used to holding more and more light frequency in your human body. This is the beginning phases of transitioning into the humano luminouso and many are already there. Many of you came into this lifetime with out karma attached to you. You came purely to be here in this time. Having no karmic attachments opens a whole advantage for you since you are able to focus your attentions on more high frequency matters. You will know if this is true for you. Use your freewill to access your Akashic records - you can access the information of your past lifetimes. You will need to relax enough to see the chapters of your lifetimes, open to all of the possibilities! If you knew some of the beautiful lives you have had, you might doubt them, and think that you are nothing close to that in this lifetime, but you carry these lifetimes with you always, in places of no space and no time. You ARE all of these things and more! You can trace your soul back to the stars! You are made of this liquid light stardust, rainbow matter, luminescent golden crystal filaments. If you have a very strong connection to any of the star systems or planets, than it is very likely that you are from this system! It IS as EASY as that beloved one! Only the human mind would complicate something as simple as that!
The only thing that limits you is yourself. Expand beyond the confines of your mind and dream the most spectacular dream you can!!! All of the ancient wisdom is a part of you, call upon it any time. BE yoga, BE feng shui, BE tai chi, BE chi gong, BE meditation, live your life as it were are a moving meditation or yoga.
The cities of light are here, you create them by bringing the light to the cities you already live in! Is it really that simple? Yes it is! There are the more etheric cities of light that exist in mountains and volcanoes on earth at this present time. The etheric beings that reside here help to anchor the light and love frequencies. You can visit them anytime to do initiations and activations just by asking. Or many of you who have allowed so, we, the Pleiadians will visit you for these activations during the dream time or even real time if it will not jolt you. This is why sleep is so important at this time - for integration of the energies as well as activations. There is a lot of work with souls happening in the dream time - you souls who contracted this, are working so hard in the dream state to aid others on a soul level. Your loving efforts do not go unrecognized, trust us in this! All who are doing any work at this time for the upliftment of humanity, you are being taken care of. Now and always, just trust. Ride the waves of this grand time on earth! You are all doing so well and we send you many blessings and so much love to fill your being. Know that all is functioning according to the divine plan and that the changes you are feeling are REAL. TRUST IN YOURSELF. Celebrate yourself and the work you are doing.
Infinite love and blessings,
The Pleiadian Messenger Guidance Team of Love
channeled through our dear sister Jillian