Solstice Blessings: Soar To New Inner & Outer Heights - Faye Naturales

will's picture

by Ulonda Faye, Faye Naturales

On this day, and always, we truly have such a deep connection to our creator and to the heavenly realms.  Now is a time to see things from a higher perspective.  Now is a time to soar to new heights.

Cleanse your body, mind and spirit.  Purify your soul.  Clear the clutter of your sacred space.  Let go of people, things, relationships and situations that no longer serve you.  Cleanse your body.  Go within, and meditate.  Seek dialogue with our creator, and give thanks for this beautiful life of yours.

Soak in hot water, allow the steam to rise and dissolve any attachments that need to be dissolved.  Allow the energy to ignite and cleanse your soul.

Release, any and all wounds, past and present, and give them up to the great spirit for healing.

Purify.  Commune with the Divine.

It is time to clear out things in your life that do not serve and love you.  What are they?  Are they objects, people, habits, patterns or situations?

The clearer your inner and outer space is in your life, the more your life takes on a new shape and form.  Light up your soul!  Listen to the sweet messages coming forth from your inner spirit.

Make amends with your beautiful self and with the beautiful other, that too is you.

You need not continue to carry any burdens.  For you are free.  Just as our creator has created you to be.

Feel your heart mend and feel peace deepen in your heart and life.  Place your hands on your heart, and say,

“I love you and I appreciate you.”

Create a sacred ceremony to release all and any wounds.  Move forward, deeper into the light.  Shine bright.

Transform and feel the emptiness inside you.  This space is ready to be filled with something beautiful, just like you.

Say out loud, “Come to me, oh great mystery.”

Forget not, why you are here.  Unfold and embrace your mystery, and the great mystery of our sacred path.

We are unfolding and re-birthing anew.  To rebirth, we must first release and surrender.  Trust the journey, and then create something new.  Today is the day to begin.

Walk in beauty, and be in balance with the natural way of life.  The more we see the beauty around and within us, the more it becomes a part of us.

Spend time in nature, if possible, every day, and especially on this day.

A great animal ally and totem for this day is the Eagle.  Eagle medicine can bring renewed strength and power into your life for the greater good of all.  Visualize the incredible grace, magnificence and insight of this beautiful creature in flight.

“Eagle Medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, 
the connection to the Divine. It is the ability to live
in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected
and balanced within the realm of Earth.

soars, and is quick to observe expansiveness within
the overall pattern of life. From the heights oh the
clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the
Great Spirit dwells.”

-Jamie Sams, Seneca/Choctaw, and David Carson, Choctaw

Go in beauty, soar in flight with the eagle, and shine your light.  Cherish yourself.  It is time to glow and flow.

Homer, Alaska, United States — Bald Eagle in mid-air flight over Homer Spit Kenai Peninsula Alaska Winter — Image by © AlaskaStock/Corbis

What area in your life could benefit from deeper peace?  Find a peaceful space, and ask yourself the questions to deepen the knowledge of how to manifest the peace your beautiful soul truly needs and deserves.

Your life will begin to take a new shape and form.  The Universe is grateful for beautiful you as you are a very important part of the divine plan.  You are a gift to the world.

It is time to step deeper into the light, and to cherish your beautiful soul and watch it grow.

You are here for a purpose.  Let it unfold.  Walk the path.  Light up the night, and let in more light.

Make an offering to your special soul on this special day, and walk with beauty and grace.  For majestic energy is filling you, now and always.  Embrace your path, and embrace your beautiful soul.

Solstice blessings, on this day, and always.

May you see your beauty,

May you walk in beauty,

May you heal,

May you be peace,

And may you open yourself to all the gifts, which are waiting for you.

Walk in peace,

Awaken the inner lotus, and unleash your true potential,


Ulonda Faye,  Faye Naturales


Heal Your Heart Beautiful Soul.

Embrace Your Eternal Self and Embrace You.

The World Awaits.


Ulonda Faye has a B.A. in Political Science and International Studies, and studied Peace and Conflict Research during her Masters program in International Relations. She survived a Near Death Experience during an accident that led her into Mind-Body-Spirit studies. She is a certified Wellness Practitioner, Rejuv Miracles Practitioner, holistic esthetician and an ordained spiritual minister. She walks a combination of the Shamanic and Buddhist path, and aspires to open and deepen the spiritual heart within each of us through her work. For more information, please visit fayenaturales.comfayenaturales Facebook
