We are the Universal I Am
talking back to Its Self.
We are the colorful ones.
We are the intrepid Walkers...
our Career in The Light.
We are the stuff that legends are birthed from.
We are Legend in the Universes.
We are the Magnet of Love.
We are the Beautiful ones.
Singing Together !
Our Love is so big we put off
what most Beings consider big.
Beloveds, many of you have already
made your Ascension. Your love and kinship
with life in the shadows here has kept you coming
back for more, for more of the others.
Our passion for Love has come.
Compassion is = Kin-ship.
This knowing brought us back to these sleepy selves.
We said “no thanks” to moving on eons ago,
putting off The Ascension
for those who also have the Flame...too.
We see only the Flame and Its Light...
We refuse the common definitions of the race mind.
The ever flung, pushy race mind.
I Know who You are ! and I bow.
To Light only do I bow !
I fold my Wings about my Being
and abide in the Wisdom of The Presence.
I Am, I AM, I Ammm.
I See You!
I see thru your eyes into paradise :-)
Yea Life
How Totally Cool! (( I knew You would,, LOL ). )
words born from love !
lift us every time ! With deep deep gratitude.
Isn't Love The Bomb
We love to be where Love is. Much Love to You Sweet Cloud Woman.