HJ: The body speaks to us just as loudly as our thoughts, but we must learn to first interpret and understand what it is trying to say. Typically, the language of the body is spoken through feelings and tactile sensations, some of which can be uncomfortable — especially when they are alerting us to a health challenge or something that is out of balance. It’s extremely important not to immediately try to surpress or escape from these feelings but truly tune into what the deeper message might be.
By taking herbs or pharmaceuticals before understanding the deeper meaning of a symptom, we are effectively ignoring the communication pathways of our bodies. Now, not all signals it sends are uncomfortable, but typically when they are we take notice. Otherwise we tend to just get carried away in the pleasurable aspects of positive feelings.
In this world, everything we experience, be it signals from our body or the events and circumstances happening in our lives, are simply feedback on our internal state. As a wise reader once commented, the universe is a ‘cosmic mirror’, reflecting back to us the sum total of our beliefs, thoughts, and decisions. The body is no exception and therefore learning to ‘speak its language’ can quickly guide us to more deeply understanding ourselves at every level. And, perhaps most importantly, correcting any imbalance if one exists there.