Special Favors and Rescue

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Beloveds, I talk to you firmly today. Many of your prayers are plaints. Plaints are pleas for something. Plaints are seemingly a more acceptable presentation of complaints. Let’s get right to it. I will tell you a common plea I hear from you.
On second thought, before I get right down to it, I had better say something introductory so there is no misunderstanding. It is better for you to present yourself to Me asking for a hand-out rather than not to present yourself to Me at all. In regard to this point, then I would tell you to complain to Me all day rather than to say nothing to Me. Better to mumble to Me than to say nothing to Me. Better to mumble mumbo-jumbo than to avert yourself from Me. Now, with that being said, let’s get down to it.
But wait. Why do I indicate a preference to your not coming to Me with petitions, as if I am a King you come to beg from, such as your wanting a land problem solved or money flowing in your pocket. In some way, you wish Me to intervene on your behalf. You want to be rescued, and you ask a special favor of your King of Holiness. In other words, you want to be singled out. You join a throng that asks for special favors and rescue. You come to Me pleading.
At first this seems humble, yet can you be so sure?
Before I get down to it, let Me repeat: Better to come to Me in any way than not to come to Me at all.
When you can, come to Me with the idea of giving rather than gaining. Move closer to the idea that you are not a needy person. Of course, it is My preference that a Child of Mine know his heritage, that he know the strengths I have given to him, that he know his true nature. No matter how it may appear to the world, no matter how much the world tells you that you come from neediness, neediness is not to be a main theme of your life. Abandon the concept of neediness.
Let Me also say that I most certainly do not want you to come to Me with a false front, as brave as that may be. If your heart is crying out, cry out. Don’t dissemble.
On the other hand, instead of the idea that you have nowhere to turn but to Me, begin to see yourself as strong, not high and mighty, yet strong. Develop the idea of your own ability to draw your desires to you. You see, you may have had a tendency to feel that you are helpless and hapless. I do petition you to begin to think of yourself more in the Light of Truth. You are not high and mighty, yet you have all the worthiness and great strength in Heaven and in the world. I am not referring to endurance. I am referring to your God-given ability to resurrect yourself.
Often, my devoted children who are, after all, Myself, come to Me and beseech Me. “Help me,” you ask. You ask for help a lot. You are not hapless and helpless. You have well-learned to tie your own shoes.
Lean toward Me more with this idea:
“God, what can I do to help You fulfil Your Will in the world?” In this way you are offering yourself in My service. Don’t you feel stronger already?
Please do not look upon others as needy either. Beseeching for another may not be the best you can do for another. It may be better to reaffirm that every person has powerful resources within himself, just as you do.
Yes, it is good to come to Me under any circumstances. It is also good to come to Me from strength. Of course, you are made in My image. Of course, you are more powerful than you have acknowledged. Acknowledge this gift of strength and initiative that you already have. Use them. You are not a cudgel that can do nothing of itself. Sure, have faith in Me and faith in yourself and others as well.
