~Special Request From the Press~
~All attempts to stop us Failed~
~ We do understand that many of our Readers, have little funds to share and are also needing relief. We only ask those that Can share, share with us. Even if that is a simple 5$ or 10$. When Everyone shares we make our Funding Goals. AS of January 26th, 2012. We are Currently 808.44$ Short for this Month. These Funds support the Press, so that we can be here everyday with all of You. Without Funding right now, this would be impossible. This is exactly what the dark cabal have attempted to do to us for the last 4 years, to try to make it impossible for us to Be here for you. Obviously this did not succeed. And We Thank you and Honor Each of You for Month after month for Continuing to Make this So.
~Some of the First Contact Team Stories~
One of the Years it was winter. We chopped wood and carried water, in fact because we had no money we had to live in something free, a run down camper trailer that was in a ditch stuck. The Most Beautiful Part was that it was by the Mountians and within the Trees, Brilliant Experience in nature, and the Cloud Ships were Simply Breathtaking. .. a different experience in an old moldy cold camper. Love Really Put us to the Test..lol
We had no electicity or car, and no way to connect to the internet. So, We walked a Mile each way to town everyday to Use the Internet for Posting the messages and to charge the computers. Even in a snowstorm... we walked.
As you can see all attempts to stop us, did not work ... cause here we are.
The dark cabal has tried everything in these past 4 years, including direct attacks on us. They knew if we did not have any support or funds to keep going we might give up...as You Can See In the No matter what we never gave up and We are still here....
Relief for all of Humanity is Coming and We are Working 24 hours a day to bring this into manifestation for everyone.This is what All of US on the Frontlines of this are working towards everyday. Love does not give up or give in. Support Those who are In Service to Love and Humanity on Planet Earth=Heart.
~If You can share with US, Thank You for Honoring our Dedication and Service to Humanity 24 hours a day 7 days a week~
~For everyone that continues to support us each month, not only through funding but also by simply reading, We are Eternally Grateful and So Is Humanity~