Hello everyone. Many individuals have felt truly blessed to begin a process of spiritual awakening. Some people call it "a shift", some people call it "ascension" some people call it having a "near death experience" or out of body experience or feeling touched by a "light being" or "angel" or other "advanced being" or a "breakthrough". I have been practicing out of body travel for over 20 years and after many decades of spiritual awakenings I can say that a little known secret is that we can completely go beyond the lower heavens like the Astral plane or the Causal plane with it's Akashic records where most people go to after death. These are glorious beautiful heavens but many people don't know that they are the heavens of reincarnation (prisons of soul). They give us the illusion of having great spiritual attainment when we are still captive audience of these lower heavens of M.E.S.T- matter, energy, time and space. I learned about this through many out of body travels to these heavens under the tuteledge of Spiritual Travelers. If you would like to research this facinating topic I just posted a few videos of out of body travels I had in different levels of these heavens- Huray Galactica Chapter excepts- 1, 10, 18- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1ZM9ISaimI or http://vardankar.com/audio-video-talks May the blessings be.
Fri, 02/07/2014 - 16:26
Spiritual Awakening