Star Light

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What if you were carefree? If you can foster the idea that you are laden with cares, can you not also cultivate the idea that you are without cares and worries? Which would you prefer? What if you could throw off the illusion of carrying a heavy load? What if you could? What if you carry a heavy load when you could carry a light load or no load at all?
Who says you have to drag along heavy burdens, and, in effect, owe a debt that has to be paid? What if you threw off the so-called burdens? What if you would turn over the oxcart you have been carrying and declare weight null and void? Who is it exactly who says that a sense of burden is your due? The last time I looked, you were human being, not an ox. Carry around My thoughts instead of heaviness. My thoughts are light. My thoughts are, indeed, made of light, bright light shining. Your thoughts can be, as well, the lightness of light, and the lightness of air.
You are not made of heavy iron. You are made of elements, none of which weigh much. Where did the idea of heaviness come from? Why has this idea lasted? Heaven is your due, not heaviness. Certainly, there is gravity on Earth. Gravity can take care of itself. You don’t have to carry it.
The air you breathe is not heavy. You cannot even see the air except how the wind blows and moves the leaves and cools your face. Everything in nature is meant to be light-hearted, and that includes you. Nowhere is it said that you are to be heavy-hearted. Heavy-heartedness must be something you have made up. Heavy-heartedness must be something made up that you consider natural. Your lot in life is to be greater than burden.
I do not kid you that life is always easy. At the same time, do not kid yourself that life is always hard or has to be.  
Birds are free, why aren’t you? Lions are born-free. Chipmunks! Puppies and kittens. Would not then My Greatest Creation also be free? It has been said that you have inalienable rights. Make it so. Allow this to be so. Bless yourself and shake off the concept of heaviness. You are not an ox. You are not a mule. You are made of light. You are not made of light to be boxed, covered up, hidden. You are made of shining light from sea to sea and are to shine. So shall it be.
Wear no heavy cloak. Your light is not to be hidden. You do not carry light over your shoulder in a burlap bag weighted with heavy stones. Where, oh, where, did you get that idea? You were not intended to be made of woe. Light and light-heartedness are to be the mainstay of your life. They are never to be absent. No, beloveds, you are not to pick up boulders and be proud of the weight you carry. Drop off the weights you have picked up along the way.
Responsibilities are something you take care of as you go along. They are not to accumulate. You were never intended to be a beast of burden. Heavy weights are not intended to be a feather in your cap. Not at all. Where on Earth did this idea come from?
Life is not a contest of who can carry the heaviest weights. How silly would that be! Be light of heart and light of foot. You are meant to be a bird on the wing. You are meant to soar with nothing to hold you back from your natural progression. You are a star from Heaven landed on Earth. Stars shine. There is no brittleness with stars. Only light and more light shining for all.
