Whatever you may think and say, you are leading a Divine Life. Instituted by Me, what can life be but divine? There are too many miracles in life for life to be anything but divine. Ah, your happiness is another story.
You attribute merit to your life or you scoff at merit. I tell you strongly that every life on Earth has great merit. You are your own specialty. Stir your own life, beloved. Life in the world forms a spiral like your DNA. Stir your own DNA. If you don’t like your life right now, recreate it. Re-assemble yourself. Turn yourself around. Remove blinders. There are many avenues before you.
The first stirring is desire. What a power desire is. On its own, desire sets up your dreams by motivation. No one ever said for you to limp along in life. Yes, take what comes as it comes to you and remember the inherent power of desire. Desire isn’t a plan. It is an incentive. Desire sets the wheels in motion. Desire to give goodness and mercy, and sail your ship. Desire is a strong rudder in the ship you sail. The rudder digs deep.
Of course, life moves you along, yet you are the inciter of your life. Life offers many chances, yet life is not all chance. Choose your chances. Open them like a menu.
You know, there has been enough dissatisfaction. The world has traded in dissatisfaction. You may have grown up with dissatisfaction. You have been too familiar with dissatisfaction. You are not to be like the princess in the story of the Princess and Pea who could not be comfortable even with 100 mattresses. Start being pleased. Be more easily pleased. And if you are not appreciative of something that life has tossed you, move on.
Life is to be lived not suffered. Perhaps life is like surfing on the Ocean. Some days conditions for surfing are better than other days. Some days you have deeper waves and higher waves, and you fly high. Love the valleys as much as you love the crests. Both are part of a Divine Life handed to you.
Love today. However life is packaged, love today. To be alive in the world is a precious gift. It is yours for a short time. You haven’t left Infinity. You have perhaps left behind your awareness of Infinity but not Infinity Itself. Infinity is right with you.
When you feel your life is too narrow, widen it.
When you feel your life makes too many demands on you, don’t make so many demands on yourself. You are your own taskmaster. Providence seems to exist, yet you are your own provider. You are one who desires and draws your desires to you. Be ready to partake. You sketch your own life. You may set yourself up. No matter how you may protest, whose life is it? Certainly, you participate.
The soap opera titles say something about life in the world: The Days of Our Lives. The Edge of Night. As the World Turns. One Life to Live. Guiding Light. All My Children.
A lot of life depends upon how you look at it. Give your life a good title -- Life Is Mine -- Life Is Sitting on a Gold Mine -- The Freeway of Life -- A State of Mind -- A Beautiful Morning -- A Life Well-Lived…
Name your life as you will your life to be.