By Jaden Sterling
How do we stop worrying?
We’ve all been there…lying in bed awake, staring at the ceiling and worrying about things we can’t change (especially in the middle of the night). Fleeting thoughts cloud your brain and wrench your heart, “If only I said this, or have done that…”
Second-guessing actions, decisions, thoughts, words and deeds burns the counterproductive emotion of worry deep into your mind and soul. We have become a society that equates worry with love. We believe that if we worry about people, places or things then we are being helpful.
Neh Neh!
Worrying isn’t the solution, it’s the problem! Ever take an exam, participate in an athletic event or give a speech while, worried? What happened? Did you get good results or not so good results? Turns out, the MORE you worry the LESS you accomplish. Yet… we still worry, why?