Street∙Wise Ascension in Action through You
So how would it feel,
to be Ascended and Free, in town?
Imagine or feel this
as a possibility for you:
You are walking down a street
of your home town;
a vibrant Peacefulness pervades.
You hear the subtle sounds of many flowers
opening to the first touch of the Sun’s rays.
Your senses come alive and you breathe in
the scent of a billion petals
and the honeyed sweetness they offer
to life passing by.
You see another person
walking in the morning sun
on the other side of the road.
You don’t know this one,
but your heart and mind soar at the idea
of this one’s enormous identity
and the infinite Circle of Light she carries.
Your Heart feels as if it might explode
with compassion and the kinship it knows
with the one over there
and all that your senses are picking up.
You broadcast and project
heretofore unimaginable glory back
to all life around you…and beyond.
You realize
that the store you have just entered
has manifested for your convenience.
All from an infinite reservoir
of Light Substance.
All this Mind and Feeling
you hold in perpetuity
for all others, known or unknown to you.
And on and on your day goes…
It feels wonderful !
absolutely beautifully magical !