Struggling To Open Your Third Eye Chakra? Avoid These 4 Common Traps

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A lot of people want to feel better, and experience some sort of “transcendence” or connection to other realms that might exist, but what many don’t realize is that you absolutely need to have balance in order for you to be able to maintain all of those very high frequencies.

Everything in life has a frequency or a vibration. The “higher” a frequency is, the faster it is vibrating and the more difficult it can be for us to see with our physical eyes.

When you’re looking to “heighten” your intuition, you’re looking to attune it to these higher frequencies so that you can “sense” metaphysical energies.

If you’re looking to “heighten” your intuition, be sure not to fall into these common traps:

1. Giving Up Too Easily

Just like you can’t expect to become a master painter overnight, don’t expect to be able to see orbs and archangels after your first meditation session. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to wake up in the middle of the night standing face-to-face with the ghost of your Great Aunt Millie. In the very early stages, this will scare the crap out of you.
