Study Links Hypothyroid Meds to Increased Lung Cancer Risk

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GFP Commentary: We at GFP recommend the use of colloidal silver for thyroid disorders.

Naturalsociety: Elizabeth Renter, 08/18/2013

pill doc 263x164 Study Links Hypothyroid Meds to Increased Lung Cancer Risk

Modern medications come with a long, long list of side effects. The commercials for some of these remedies often have more information on the negative effects than the beneficial ones. A new study from Italy indicates yet another, serious possible effect of one particular type of medication, showing that individuals taking a common hormone replacement used for hypothyroidism may be at an increased risk of developing lung cancer.


Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough of the hormone thyroxine. When thyroxine levels are low, the body literally slows down. Chronic fatigue, aches, dry skin, and constipation are just a few early symptoms. Impaired mental activity, hearing loss, muscle weakness, and increased weight gain can come later. One of the most common prescription drug treatments for this condition is known as levothyroxine (T4), which supplements the deficient thyroxine. But, this drug may be presenting additional problems.


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amhar482's picture

When I take my thyroid medician every day it felt wrong two. I new there was something wrong with my medicinal besides control. 

Anna Hartley