Tao of Jonathon Journal pt. 5,6,7

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July 1, 2012
part 5
A Mala can be a very useful tool in our meditation practice. A Mala is made up of 108 beads (108 names of God.) Various forms of prayer beads are used in all major religions. Using a Mala helps to quite an active mind and bring about inner stillness. You can recite a Mantra with each bead, or customize your own affirmations to use, such as, "I AM at peace" or "I AM radiating Light from the core of my being" or "I AM drawing to myself, good health, spiritual well being and abundance." Play with it and write out, that which you wish to create in your life and construct it in the present tense. It is not necessary to purchase a Mala. You can create your own out of glass, wood or stone beads (8-10 mm.) They can be 108,  or any number that feels right for you. You can google image Malas to get ideas....if desired. Stones that you resonate best with, would be ideal for making the Mala. You can easily find beads of rose quartz, crystal, amethyst , or any type you like. Be creative and put your own personal touch in creating this useful tool. The more you use the mala, the stronger the build up of energy in the Mala and the more "CHARGED" your intention will be. Malas are very personal and should not be handled by anyone else but the user.     

July 5, 2012
part 6
As part of the awakening process, many people are feeling the effects of radical changes in their lives. Diet, exercise, habits, social status and all sorts of addictions. Some people feel a strong need to give up meat, others may feel the need to give up alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and drugs. People are becoming more self conscious of developing a more healthy diet free of harmful chemicals. All of these changes we are making is to help in changing our lower vibratory bodies on a cellular level, so that our new bodies will be able to assimilate greater amounts of higher vibrational energy that is entering into the earth plane. This allows us to "Be in the world, but not of it." Our lives is no longer about "getting ahead" accumulating material possessions and wealth. Each awakened person is moving into his/her own frequency/tone that is beyond the human auditory range. When we understand this, it will be easier to relax and let go and allow the Tao to carry you along. There is no need to know where we are going, (that is ego stuff) we will eventually give up that need to know.
If you are struggling to let go of something you like, then ask for help. Ask your higher self, God, guides, Angels, for help and it will be given. The energy coming in to the earth plane are changing our physical bodies from a subatomic level as we are evolving into a 5th.-dimensional being. This is the new "BEING" for the evolutionary stage of human kind on earth. Instead of the five senses and a linear mind defining our illusionary world, this will be replaced with a super-consciousness. I will attempt to explain, with linear mind, it gives us one point of reference, with that, it is defined as fact/truth. Super-consciousness allows one to see/feel/experience from INFINITE points of reference without the illusion of defining it. The purpose of this information is to trigger within each person, the Re-Membering that we are ONE and not separate.                    

Part 7
Do not try to find meaning in everything, or you will become mislead. Often, meaning is derived from an attempt to define, by the linear mind. Our life is a journey, not a destination. Do not resist, go willingly instead of kicking and screaming. Treat it as an adventure of self discovery. Be in the moment, it is the essence of true reality. Yesterday's glory has passed and tomorrow has not been born. LIFE IS......do not try to control it, or you will be bitterly disappointed. No one can capture a moonbeam, so learn to let go and dance within it. It is here for a moment and it is gone, but it will return. Hold onto nothing and you will know true freedom. 
Life is a continuous spiral of the manifested and the unmanifested, birth to death to birth again.  From the roots, shoots up a stalk that reaches the water's surface. It produces a bud that opens itself to the sun, sharing it's beauty in a world of beauty, as a voice adds to the harmony in a chorus. When it has completed it's cycle, it silently closes it's petals and sinks to the bottom of the pool so that it may decompose and provide nutrients for tomorrow's life cycles. Change is the heart and soul of life. When we can understand and embrace this, then we will not waste precious energy resisting change. Be the receptacle for the light to shine through, be one with the LIGHT.....shimmer and shine.  
We each have our own peculiarities that distinguishes us from each other. Be accepting of other's differences without being hurt or offended by them. That does not mean that we should take their abuse. Be detached in dealing with them and if need be, surround them with the Light. We can help them work through their drama by allowing the LIGHT to flow through us. As we evolve, we are the LIGHT and the illusion of being a receptacle of the light dissolves and there is only LIGHT.