Tao of Jonathon Journal pt. 8,9

Tao of Jonathon's picture

part 8
In this awakening process, we are given a glimpse of our magnificent authentic selves. We are BEINGS OF LIGHT from the ultimate source of Light reality, but even a glimpse brings fear and doubt. We are one with the Force as perfection, beauty and love. We are the "Sea of Universal Consciousness." The ego/identity of finite linear consciousness, fears the changes that Awakening brings, because it will seize to exist as separate from the universal consciousness. The awakening that many of us are going through, is the stripping away of illusions of separation.We are in various stages of this awakening process as we let go of our fears, need to control, doubts, our need to understand, our ego/identity, linear consciousness and all else that supports this illusion of reality.
Awakening is the process of our coming home to our authentic selves. We no longer need to be caught up in the illusion of reality that we call the earth plane. We no loner need to be operating in "survival mode" that we have used for millennia. This has been humanity's prison. The cell doors have opened for those who are seeing through the illusion and we are walking through the door to our freedom. It is not our place to free others who see only bars and not stars, nor should we judge them. The awakening process has already begun and can not be reversed. Yes, we will probably react to something, yes, we may get angry, we may judge, do not worry, that is part of the process in bring us into the NOW and we are finding that we are spending more and more time in THE MOMENT. Our linear mind no longer feels the need to be processing 24-7 and a sense of MINDFULNESS is taking over the role of linear thought. We are finding it natural and easy to intuitively read people and sense their intentions.
Yes, the ride is going to get bumpy for many of us, just take the time to breath deeply and center our selves in the light. Offer the Light to what ever is going on upon the earth stage.
Part 9
I am sharing what has been unfolding in my life through this awakening process that many of us are experiencing. Earlier today, I looked down at Emanon, my cat. As our eyes met, I was drawn deep inside. I experienced beauty and love reflected back to me...as me. The consciousness that called the atoms and molecules together that manifested the cat, is the same consciousness that brought the atoms and molecules together into physical form that has been defined as Jonathon. It is the same with each manifestation into the physical world. We are one with a flower as well as a stone. As our understanding deepens, we begin to understand that we can not hate others, nor judge them. With the polarization in the world, it is easy to judge others as good or bad, but it is important to step back and see the same Light within them, is the same Light within us. Only compassion can change the duality of fear that mankind is expressing on life's stage. Our life purpose is not hidden in the future. It is within us and is easily accessed. If we attempt to define it with our linear mind, it will elude us and mislead us. Lao Tzu said it in very simple words, some 2500 years ago, in his book, the Tao Te Ching, "Surrender to the Tao and allow the Tao to do you." 
In this state of 'mindfullness that I have been in and out, (mostly in) is being present and at peace without the endless loop (8 track tape) of mind chatter/thoughts. We have gone through our lives unaware of this mind chatter, or considered it a normal part of our identity, not knowing that it helped to create our reality of fear and suffering. Since learning this truth, I have been surrendering my story/identity/ego and allowing a deep silence to fill it's space with no-thing. I smile when I remember a time when I was consumed with ambition to make a name for myself. That goal served it's purpose and I let go the desire for wealth and fame. Now that my life has become simple, I am seeing more in the reason of  Zen philosophy of detachment and simplicity. Everything is sacred. As we learn to embrace this with gratitude, the more we become connected to our authentic selves.
 I have always been an outgoing person and have not spent much time alone as I have these last six years. It has been like a retreat. This experience has helped me to learn to be silent, without the need for thoughts and words. In this stillness, a whole universe has opened up and welcomed my conscious arrival. I am like a leaf floating down life's stream. No fear or regrets. What was, does not exist. What is "NOW" is all there is. I have everything I need in life and the universe supports me. Awakening is a process of letting go of the need to define from a linear conscious point of view. Defining/judging creates confusing and painful illusions of separation  from Source. As we begin to understand this, we start to let go (at our own pace) the need to understand/define. For most of us, awakening does not come in as a blazing ball of light, trumpets and drums. It is subtle, one day we realize we are no longer "thinking."

I am sharing my experience of awakening with the desire that it will lend support to others on a similar path and help reassure them that we are all in this glorious shift of consciousness taking place on beloved planet earth. I am not concerned where all of this is taking us. It is an adventure that we all signed up for before coming into the earth plane. There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow....only the Present. Again I smile, when I reflect back to the beginning of my spiritual journey nearly 30 years ago. I read hundreds of books and attended countless seminars. I was a seeker who was searching for understanding and purpose. In time, I began to realize that my searching was over. I no longer needed to look outside myself for answers, nor did I need a Guru. Many are arriving at the same conclusions, The answers are within us.
This awakening process is intensifying or deepening. It is helping to bring Light Workers together  from all cultures. We are receptacles for the Light that is flooding into the earth plane which is building up for critical mass consciousness that is helping others to let go of the old paradigm of aggression, fear, greed and poverty. Each of us has a role to play in this evolutionary leap of human consciousness and we need each other to accomplish this. There is only LOVE...all else is illusion.