Temporariness of Illusion

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God said:

For those of you who are feeling low energy, this feeling is temporary. There is a tendency for My children to take on what occurs as forever or fatal. The only thing forever is Oneness, or We can say Love, Life, and Oneness. We can add the words Vastness, Joy, Happy Heart, Soul. Anything else is temporary. It is temporarily perceived. Anything that is not Love, Life, Oneness, Vastness, Joy, Happy Heart and Soul may well be perceived, yet it is all a big bluff.

You hold the good cards, beloveds. You just don’t quite see what you hold in your hands as yet. There is no losing in the card game called Life. We could say everyone wins. We could say no one can lose. That which is Real cannot be lost. The stories you live are dramatic, no doubt. They are serious and comic. The stories of all kinds are simply: Ado about nothing.

Yet nothing is something to you. Nothing is a lot of something to you. This is not an accusation. It is a statement of fact, for this is how the world sees. Of course, this is the appearance of life in the world.

Life as you know it is a picture show. Picture show used to be an expression used for movies, yet moving pictures took over. Commonality made the choice. The expression picture show implies a still photo, whereas movies indicate pictures moving.

Of course, the eager world has it backwards. All the movies of lives on Earth are actually Still Photos. You, as you truly are, seem locked in place except, of course, there is no place to be locked in. You do, however, lock yourselves in moving pictures of your life while your life is steeped in Stillness. Your life is really a flash in the pan.

You might as well consider yourself a teabag. A teabag is a teabag. A teabag starts as a pure teabag. Then you are dipped into a cup of steaming hot water, yet you are still teabag. Dry or wet, you are teabag. Your appearance is changed, yet the True Essence of you is not changed. A teabag is made of tea, and you, beloveds, are made of Me.

Hello, Myself. I am talking to you who do not as yet fully accept that We are One, that, in fact, there is no individual you at all. That seems stern to you or some kind of sacrifice, to let your little trotting ego self go off into the sunset. No offense meant, dear ones. I’m just painting a picture for you. The picture I paint may not be your cup of tea. It isn’t the cup you might choose, yet, nevertheless, you did choose it, and it’s hard for you to part with it, so confined within your small self are you.

All the jolts and starts and stops of life are fabrication. The Truth of you is something else, so refined and subtle that you can skip past it for a lifetime yet not forever and a day. Only for a second in the Vastness of Eternity and Infinity where time carries no weight and no space either do you digress. No one gets fat in Heaven. Heaviness of any kind happens only to bodies and tons of coal and so on. There is no heavy-heartedness in Heaven.

In Vastness, you cannot even count and do arithmetic or puzzles, for everything is laid bare, yet there are no things, so how can there be everything or anything?

You are so wary about disappearing. The Truth of You cannot disappear because what you refer to as yourself in the world is illusion. The Fullness of Vastness exists. There is really no you to separate from Vastness. Separation is only an idea. There are other ideas to consider.

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