Tao of Jonathon's picture

This is a very simple message. Try it, even if you are skeptical of getting any results. The ego/mind will say it's too simple to work. I have learned over the years, that the answers are simple, but the ego/mind likes to complicate things with theories, rituals and dogmas, etc. I began to practice it even when I did not believe in it. My skepticism faded as my convictions grew.
My Relations:
Thank you for what is not in my life, that I have prayed for, but have never received. Some of us has gone through life disappointed that our prayers were not answered. This can lead to loss of faith, resentment, envy and feelings of unworthiness. We see others who are prosperous and we can become envious of their good fortune, or we see some who are prospering from the suffering of others. We can become cynical and say that life isn't fair. The ego/mind will convince us that we are undeserving or God is to busy to bother with us. SO WHAT..if you didn't win the lottery!!! Are you really ready for it, or would it complicate your life???? Often we focus on what we want instead of being grateful for what we have. In the practice of gratitude, we learn to let go of our wants and desires and ask that we receive that which is for our highest good.
Years ago, Spirit taught me to pray in gratitude. When we learn to pray this way, it is part of the surrendering our judgments of the ego/mind and trusting Spirit to bring us what we need.
My Prayer:
Great Spirit:
Thank you for what is in my life..................
Thank you for what was in my life................
Thank you for what will be in my life..................




Eddie1177's picture


Thank you,brother!