“God is All, All is One.” A child can understand this. If you are an adult you may have to regress, as it were, back in time and put on your “child-mind” for a minute to collect this concept of such simplicity.
“The meaning here is that there is not, nor has there ever been “Two” of anything in all existence, there is but One. I AM That. There are vast divisions, segments and appropriations of The One, but They are All of The One.
When you can manage to make up your mind then “My Mind” will know which way you intend to go. So please stop holding “Me” back. When you hold back from that which it is you desire for what ever the reason, The I AM of You is directed to do the same. And when there is no direction then The I AM of You is in a state of inertia.
When “you” cannot seem to make a decision then please be kind enough to be still long enough that the “I” in you may come to the rescue. There is power in decision!
“Let That Mind be in You.”
Recall this from your scriptures? Please do recall it and do that no less than once daily before meals and get plenty of rest.
My sole purpose to be here in your timeline as who “i am” to you is to show you pathways “HOME.” If you cannot keep track of them all then use the following one, as it will do it for you.
I AM YOU, as YOU are I. YOU are I as I AM.
That “Spark” of Me that is stationary in your Sacred Heart Center, The “Three Fold Flame,” “Trinity,” “Father Son and Holy Spirit (Mother God), Power Wisdom and Love, that is The Spark of I. This is You, this is I, this is All That Is.
It is not the Spark that is separate from I, I can in no way separate from The I AM That I AM. But what I have placed My Self in seems from that perspective to be separate, It is not separate, just visiting. And this just so I can find My way back from whence I came without undue stress to the outer vessel for My use in outer expression.
The only reason that “you” are not HOME just now in consciousness, is that the I in you is eternal and knows it, therefore patient beyond what you can imagine. The I in you awaits the ego of It to let go, to surrender it’s all completely and fully to "I."
Oh yea, the ONE method HOME to use.
Claim It.
Claim Who You Truly Are.
Claim it with conviction.
Claim it when you awaken in your morning.
Claim it and take it into your re-connection planes, (bed time) plug-in/recharge time.
Sing it on your way to work and home.
“Be still and know I AM GOD.”
I AM God, not that Guy up there, over there, in some distant place in the Heavens with a white beard waiting for you to get your little self back HOME for corrections and disciplinary actions for all those imperfections, to put it ever so gently. Sins, errors, and imperfections, and from where may I ask did you learn of this? This, my children is in your terms a rhetorical question. However, as long as you hold it in mind, it will hold you at bay.
That Spark in You my child is I, not just a segment of I, but the whole of I. There is but one single aspect of you that is not ME. And it is what you pronounce to be in your imagination, holographic illusion you might say,,,of course you might say about anything knowing where you been hang’n out.
You are not a part of I, I AM not a part of You. You and I are ONE. Is this guidance clear to “you?“ There exist no “we” in “Reality.”
So recite it, in anyway that makes you feel it, then be it, then know it. Do it silently, do it in your head as you think in your Heart, do it aloud when convenient, but by all means, do it as often as you can provide a minute.
“Be still and know I AM God,”
I AM Mother Father God. I AM Source Field Energy, I AM Prime, Divine, Supreme Creator, I AM Vast Expanse Nourishment Supply, I AM Divine Love, I AM Divine Mind, I AM Universal Intelligence, I AM Alpha Omega, I AM Creator God, I AM Creator God of Thee, I AM Creator God of All that is, was, and ever will Be, I AM Creator God I AM, I AM Creator God of All that Is, will Be, and that’s ever Been. Sing it.
Sing it to Me, I just love it when you make a joyful noise to Me. This is much better than all that other kind of noise you’ll make down there.
You are the sole Creator of your life, all of it. Scary thought huh, until you make the decision to own it, all of it. Pull that nature of “thought” into your Heart and see that thought transformed right before your third eye, and then thank Mother Mary for Her Love and Magic to you, as this is where you can always find Her.
David Porter, Author of the series
Remember Who You Are, book one, The Awakening