Thousands Of Dead Prawns Washed Up In Chile

Angelove117's picture

News - 3/21/13


Victor Casanova, of Chile's Environmental and Cultural Heritage Crimes Unit, said police were going to investigate a variety of possibilities in an effort to understand how the animals died.


"We are going to go out to Coronel Bay to determine the physical temperature parameters, electric conductivity, and above all the oxygen, which is an important issue to highlight," he said.


For more info click: Prawns




Did ya notice that there were

DeSwiss2's picture

Did ya notice that there were no birds anywhere in sight of that ''feast''?


 - There's nothing natural about that.

Good Point!

Angelove117's picture

Good point. That should be major cause for alarm.

The OP's Sky article has a

DeSwiss2's picture

The OP's Sky article has a link to a video story about the prawn-kill. I didn't see any birds in their video at all.


Although I saw the bird's you're referring to in the Guardian video, I still didn't see them eating anything.  Just flying over it. I only mentioned it because I've seen this in fish-kills before now.  It seems that whenever these kills happen the other wildlife won't touch it.