You are My Goodness. Through you am I realized. You are My Ambassador of Good Will. It is through you and all My beautiful creatures that I am known. I am discovered through you. You are My adman. You promote and advertise Me. It is to you that I have entrusted the world. It is for you to keep the world afloat – much more than afloat. It is you who enriches lives on Earth. Through you, am I announced.
Even when you might forget Me and Our place in the world together, even when you may feel half-hearted about life, even then you point people to Me, the Source of All. Even in what you perceive as need, you point to Me. Souls on Earth can also look to where you are not pointing, and also be clued in to you.
There is no difficulty on Earth that does not have an answer. The thing is that the answer may not be the one you are looking for. Not always can you, My children, pick out your most desired answer. You may want a blue sky today, and yet the sky is gray. Gray skies aren’t all bad, you know. You can release your demands.
Gratitude wins the day! Is there a holiday called All Hearts’ Day? Every day is meant to be.
It is very good to dream your dreams. This does not mean that every dream will come true today or tomorrow. Some dreams will not come true as you take the meaning. Of course, you want to be reunited with loved ones who have stepped off into Infinity, yet your dream of reuniting will come true, and, oh, yes, it will come true far beyond what you dreamed of. There will be a whole new world where there are not the interferences you find on Earth, that you actually look for on Earth. You do look for weeds, don’t you? You have spent many a year looking for what you don’t want, and grouched about it.
There is all good on its way to you. Whatever you may think or even prove, blessings are heaped upon you. Accept them. Don’t be stubborn. What you insist on happening doesn’t have to. Good comes in little packages too. Good comes dressed in other ways as well. And, as in all things, it is incumbent upon you to let go. Not easy, I know. You are accustomed to holding on tight. You cling. You clutch. Not as easy for you to let go. Ah, if only you wouldn’t hold on so tight in the first place, how happy you would be. Dear Ones, be happy anyway. Welcome life to you.
When all your dreams and wishes are not fulfilled, do you tend to feel that you are neglected? That which occurs may not be at all what you wanted. The thing is to get past sulking and questioning as soon as possible. Otherwise, you drag your feet and hold yourself back from happiness. Try out being a champion and note how good it feels when you don’t argue so much with what has already occurred.
All that can ever happen is life. Life is happening this moment. Feel the electricity of it. Be electrified. Don’t feel that lightning has struck. You have not been assailed. Let good fortune reach you. You can’t always pick and choose life. Sometimes it comes to you as a stray dog might and brings great happiness to you.
In any case, you learn from life. I cannot say it enough: Life is your friend. Be a friend to yourself as well, for you and life are both worth culturing and learning from.