Transformative Energies

Mario's picture

2015-04-06 05.43.59

The energy we get from delving into these things are substantial on remarkable effects we can commune within. The substantial things we get from adjusting some of the grid type ratios are accelerating the causal planes in effects of where we are getting at within our own momentum, as for the effects gathered from a “backslash” can contemporarily give into some informational fields which we had adjusted in the past.

This means that substantial things as remarks which can be made by a grid network of supercomputers and satellite uplinks can quantify the prospects of individuals having choices, (Chosen) to give into the processes which are becoming known to many in these days. Some term it mind control while others see it as energetic formations being transformed by stimuli, in effects the divinations are what keeps the (Lines) open to achieve greater potentiality within the far reaching effects of our genomes capacity to become more than what it’s actual sleeping state (rate/percentage) of its fuller potentiality is.

When we awaken the effects of our genomes main transcription process goes by 20 times faster in actual (Time) what this condones is intelligence which we do not have part in because we have not managed to get the constants which work (Up to Date) with the information given from the transcription which is running at 20 times its usual rate.

To achieve this type of recognition from transcriptions, what needs to be attended is gradually augmenting in disproportionate links to what you choose to do in your life as a (light worker/light warrior) to say the least… In its effects the causal Plaines are terrible at decrypting the diametric inversion processes, as for we are embarking on something which seems impossible to trace (Portrait On) so we give into the processes of assimilation which then downloads codes for the next assimilation wave.


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