Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Week Starting Friday, November 21, 2014
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A most fascinating astronomical, and astrological, occurrence occurs at the beginning of the week. Sun is at 29 Scorpio on Friday - interesting in and of itself, for example JFK was assassinated in 1963 when Sun was at 29 Scorpio. A very intense, edgy energy for the Sun, opposite Alcyone (fixed star). The next day, Saturday, at about 7:30am EST, Sun and Moon perfectly conjunct at 0 Sagittarius. However, both will be on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius! Part of the disks of each luminary will be in each sign. What a fascinating moment for a person to be born. What mundane events might occur on Saturday? Hopefully nothing unfortunate. However, Jupiter and Pluto will be influential on that day, so setting an intention to use the energies productively can help you make the most of such an unusual occurrence.
What else might the week bring for you from the heavens? Consider both your Sun sign and ascendant.
This week starts out as quick, on the go, and thoughtful. November 24 can be an especially good day for you in terms of happiness and optimism. The boost of power from last week is waning a restrictions and authority are a bit more pronounced. November 25 and 26 have the potential to be emotional days. Despite possible roadblocks this week, you still have a lot of energy and drive available to make the most of your goals and projects, especially at work. Just for Aries: look out for unexpected consequences!
Generally speaking, this can be a nice week for you. You might feel a greater than average amount of energy and optimism. Romance is also on your radar, and this week it's more about a meeting between equals rather than deferring to your partner. Shocks and surprises might occur more than average this week, but the possibility of intuiting quick solutions to problems is also present. Nurturing and care for animals is also very pronounced by the end of the week. Just for Taurus: Do you like being chased? Be ready for it!
Your easygoing nature starts to feel restricted by structure and authority by the end of the week. This is an intense week for you. Yet, you can prosper this week with some determination. Your eagerness to learn, persistence, and productivity can turn lemons into lemonade this week. The week begins on an emotional note, with a burst of energy that lasts until about November 25. Just for Gemini: focusing on extended family on November 23 has potential for good times.
After a somewhat dreary day on November 21, two chipper days follow on November 22 and 23. November 23 can be especially good, but watch out for excesses. November 24 and 25 are good days for taking care of business. Energy and personal power are on the rise, especially at work. The last two days of the week have ups and downs, but if you have personal or professional projects going November 26 and 27 have the potential for great ideas and breakthroughs in your work. Just for Cancer: A lot of unconscious perceptions of self and others are important this week.
November 21 might be a rough day, but November 22 leaves all of that behind! November 22 is a cool day for you. A sudden feeling of freedom and new perceptions. You have the rest of the month with Sun in Sagittarius to feel Jupiter's optimism and expansion. Be aware of the great benefic's downside - excesses, extravagance, and depending on luck. With all of the good vibes, do be aware of possible pitfalls on November 26. Past unpleasant issues have the potential to surface. Just for Leo: issues with siblings might arise this week.
You have personal energy available from the start to basically the end of the week for projects that require your meticulous, precise focus. November 26 is an especially good day for projects that require endurance and deep focus. November 27 shows potential for a powerful effort to be made and work or in other areas of your life - a good day to make a last tremendous effort to finish something. Structure is available in great quantity, but don't let that restrict you too much. Just for Virgo: How to choose between pride and humility?
A good week at the start gets better! Your relationships are at the forefront of this week. You have the opportunity to draw in spiritual insights into your life as well on November 25 and 26. Relationships are fiery and full of surprises! This theme fits in nicely with the emphasis on your emotional life on November 22 and 23. An emphasis on care of self and others is also pronounced throughout the week. Overall a potentially wonderful week. Just for Libra: could favoritism and rivalry be the fly in the ointment this week?
Quite a shift for you this week with Sun entering Sagittarius. Emotions can be intense on November 24 and 25. Relationships can have a beneath the surface tension, yet an opportunity for balancing with your partner despite any tensions is quite possible, especially on November 25. The strong personal drive you felt with Sun in Scorpio is waning a bit, yet still there. The spiritual transformation theme is still also strong this week! A sense of heightened intuition is available to your watery core. Just for Scorpio: What do you feel your fate is? And can you surpass it this week?
Sun is now in your sign! Time for your identity and conscious purpose to shine brightly this week. Relationships can be very productive and happy for you this week. Possible tension with siblings or younger people becomes less prominent by the end of the week. Possible tension with authority remains throughout the week, however. be aware of anger or arguments on November 24. On November 27 starts an extended time of harmony and togetherness with spouses and extended family, so the positives can far outweigh the negatives for you this week. Just for Sagittarius: Running across paradoxical information these days? Challenging riddles for your gifted higher mind to solve, indeed.
The mind is quite important for you this week. A lot of available brainpower for solving logical problems. November 24 and 25, in contrast, could have some strong feelings bubbling to the surface for you. A sense of optimism and expansion in your personal life and work are definitely possible this week, but the tradeoff is that you will have to work very hard for it (not a big deal for Sun in Capricorn friends, no doubt!). A week of being on the go, busy, hopefully productive. Just for Capricorn: If someone offers help, be aware of their motives.
Say hello to romance this week. Potential conflicts are also relatively fewer this week. So the theme for you this week really shifts from Mars to Venus! November 22 and 23 have some nice emotions possibly in store for you; be prepared for conflicting emotions, possibly, on November 24 and 25. The theme of care of self and others affecting several other Sun signs this week is also prominent for you this week. Overall, a welcome break this week and a chance to pay attention to and further develop close relationships. Just for Aquarius: remember all of those theories you learned in school? You can apply them to your personal situation this week. Cool!
This is a week of dealing with details and non-material things. Not unfamiliar to your imaginative, abstract Pisces demeanor, but perhaps difficult nonetheless. Try not to stay caught in the past! Relationships can be good this week, but require a lot of work. Potential conflict with a masculine figure or someone with strong masculine energy becomes more pronounced by the end of the week. The possible difficulties this week doesn't preclude having a productive week, especially in the area of personal growth. Have faith! Just for Pisces: How is keeping options open helping to move you forward?
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to