Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Nov 7th

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Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Week Starting Friday, November 7, 2014

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As the Sun continues his transit through Scorpio this month, Pluto (transformation, rebirth), Scorpio's ruler, makes a nice aspect to Poseidon (wisdom, insight) and Poseidon is currently at 11 Scorpio! So the watery feel of Sun in Scorpio takes on a very spiritual feel with the ruler of the Sun this month aspecting Poseidon in Scorpio. A good chance for everyone to reflect on how inevitable change can be of spiritual value, with the towering Poseidon prevalent in the heavens.


Consider your rising sign/ascendant as well as your Sun sign in this week's supernal waltz.



Speaking of Poseidon, he gives you a boost from November 9 to November 12. Your strength and assertiveness this week fits very well with the Pluto-Poseidon paradigm. Transformation is possible! If it's inevitable, you will have to dig deep due to relationships a bit on the sidelines this week. Also be careful of clashes with authority at the beginning of the week. Still, a prime week for developing and using your personal power. Just for Aries: Taking action is usually better than doing nothing this week!



Some ups and downs this week are overshadowed by strong, behind the scenes authority. The first half of the week is a karmic time for you...considering Pluto-Poseidon this week ("spiritual transformation") will help you rise above the difficulties. A benefactor can be found this week, even if it initially seems that you're at odds with that person. November 11 and 12 are prime days for finding a refuge at home. Ultimately, even if the week is difficult, this week is about expanding your limits and can be quite productive, especially at work. Just for Taurus: Pets have special significance this week.



Your quick ruling planet, Mercury, changes signs this week. Communication and thought becomes quite deep and serious after November 8. November 8 and 9 can be particularly beneficial if you can find a way to make your previous hard work and planning expand and multiply. Watch out for muck and waste - and deceit - on November 11! A whipsaw week, but good if you like excitement. Be prepared for early next week; November 13 is prime for starting to think about your personal power. Just for Gemini: your public image is very important this week; make sure you are happy with efforts to compromise.



November 10 and 11 are particularly good this week for you with Moon in her home sign, Cancer. Those days have over half of the ten planets in water signs! So a very watery week, especially on November 10 and 11, can be to your benefit, but could also make you feel overwrought from all of the emotional activity this week. Home and family are your refuge if you feel at odds with powerful figures. Use November 8 and 9 to focus the mind on more intellectual work if you need a break. Just for Cancer: Reading body language can be to your advantage this week!



The sense of "being caught in the middle" might tap on your shoulder this week. You have a laserlike focus and precision available on November 8; and also an ability to be very much in the present moment. Making an effort to seek help from benefactors, despite misunderstandings or disagreements, can be beneficial this week. Your strong sense of identity can be augmented by harmonious internal emotions on November 10 and 11. November 10 and 11 is particularly nice for you this week, despite possible influence from heavy-handed authority. Then again, you might find a sense of structure via authority that you do not often experience. Just for Leo: Is something this week due for a fresh start?



Your sense of detail and commitment to work is "through the roof" on November 8! Dedication to work will likely pay off into November 9. Focusing on research, integrating various parts into a whole, and considering the past in order to determine your future direction will be helpful during a possibly difficult day on November 11. Despite some interesting days this week, most of the week is about "staying the course". If one day is good, build on that the next day! And if a day is not so good, a fresh start is to be had on the next. Just for Virgo: Paying attention to self-care this week can provide greater than average returns.



Your natural sense of balance might feel strained this week. However, seeking a wise person can help you through difficult days. Bright spots during the week include a prominent opportunity to enjoy art, extended family members, or significant others on November 10, and emotional strength on November 11. Be aware of restriction and superiors (at work, for example) on November 12 - an intense time for answering to someone! Look forward to a lighter week next week. Just for Libra: keeping private information private is prudent this week.



November 8 is a promising day for meeting everyday demands effectively and efficiently. Your natural propensity to rebuild and transform fits well with the spiritual transformation theme this week. The burst of energy at the beginning of the week balances with a nice opportunity to rest and reflect on November 10 and 11. As the end of the week feels more restrictive, it's also an opportunity to create necessary structure in your life to move you closer towards your long-term goals. The benefactor theme applying to several other Sun signs this week also applies to you - find him or her! Just for Scorpio: Using careful judgment when listening to advice this week is wise.



The week tends towards conflict with a few surprises thrown in. Yet, conflict can be most productive in the long run. You may find yourself turning to your more spiritual side this week. Significant others and close relationships are a source of comfort this week. Recognizing and appreciating the sense of self other people have goes a long way this week. Perhaps most difficult this week is structure imposed by others, especially restrictions from behind the scenes. Your adaptability, sense of learning, and fiery nature will help carry you through the week, despite possible difficulties. Just for Sagittarius: Try not to become caught up in paradoxical situations this week.



Judicious use of resources and carefully tending to relationships is of great use this week. The key is finding just the right mix of "give and take" this week. You might start to feel overshadowed this week by someone with a strong personality; this becomes more intense as the week progresses. Be cautious of dominating a relationship, personal or professional. Finding flexibility and common ground is ultimately most productive this week. If someone can be of benefit but you have difficulty connecting, the heavens are saying that persistence can pay off. Just for Capricorn: Gauging risk carefully this week is a good idea.



November 10 might be a turbulent day for you, especially in the emotional area of life. More arguments than usual is certainly possible this week, although you can find a refuge in relationships, particularly with significant others. You also have easier access to benefactors than the rest of the signs this week. Also very importantly, you are well attuned to the "spiritual transformation" theme this week. Be prepared for some heightened intellectual activity next week - a hint of heightened intuition starts on November 13. Just for Aquarius: how can heightened sensitivities this week benefit you?



Being organized and paying attention to details is important this week. November 11 is an unpredictable day; being somehow attuned to psychic phenomena could make the day interesting and insightful, but thought and communication might also feel unpleasant and mired in unpleasant issues of the past. Throughout the week, you have the opportunity to easily communicate your creative thoughts. Any spiritual theme, such as this week's, can be beneficial for you as well. November 10 is an opportunity to find security in your emotional life. Just for Pisces: Watch out for situations from the past rebounding back to the present.


Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to
