Triple Water Astrology - The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope - Oct 16th

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Welcome and thanks for checking out my new weekly horoscope! Thank you very much to the Galactic Free Press for agreeing to publish my weekly forecast. This week Sun transits through the end of Libra and enters Scorpio on October 23. As the Fall season progresses, the Sun's movement through the zodiac starts to reflect the trailing end of the harvest in the Northern hemisphere and the earnest beginning of nature's cycle of necessary decay. A useful time to bear in mind the elegant harmony of Venus' influence in our lives shifting to Pluto's transformational symbolism.

The massive, powerful Sun, the core of our solar system, is not the only planet in the chart...but as the representation of our basic identity and conscious purpose, the core of our personalities, even generalized predictions can be useful. Let's see what this week has in store for your Sun sign! People often remark that your ascendant, if you know your ascendant sign, can also be considered in general horoscope columns (for example, I would read the Cancer section as a Cancer Sun sign, but I would also consider the Scorpio section because I have ascendant at 4 Scorpio).



Sun, Venus, and Mercury opposite your natal Sun by sign make this a busy week for you in terms of relationships. Your emotional life flows well at the beginning of the week, and might seem tense by the end of the week, but you have Jupiter's optimism to give you a boost. Mars gives you a lot of energy and drive this week. Look for help from Jupiter and Mars if Uranus throws unexpected disruptions at you! Relationships, inside and outside of the home, are a major focus for you this week, so use the last week of Sun in Libra to both enjoy family and prosper at work.



Venus is quite strong this week - this is good for you! You tend to enjoy beauty, nature, art, and the finer items in life that appeal to the senses. This week, you experience Venus in her more "Libra" way. So like Aries, this week emphasizes relationships for you. Jupiter lends his optimism to you these days, in a bit more muted way. Take all of the Jupiter you can manage, because Saturn feels a bit restrictive. Still, the emphasis on Venus gives you a chance to structure your life in a more organized way - or restructure parts of your life, with a reasonably cooperative Pluto.



Your Sun's ruler, Mercury, is still retrograde this week. But the Moon gives you a steady emotional life this week, which makes up for the possible intellectual backtracking and other mixups you might be experiencing. The stellium in Libra from October 21 to 23 is especially good for relationships - find a way to smooth over disagreements (Mars' influence) and enjoy companionship and communciation with your significant other. Just be aware of Neptune's possible deceptions! Otherwise it's generally smooth sailing.



A structured imagination moves you along during this week. Possible disruptions from Uranus are in the mix - but also look to him for brilliant ideas. Relationships aren't terrible this week, but do be aware of minor tensions. Working hard to find a balance in your emotional life, especially on October 19 and 20, should pay off. October 23 will feel like an especially major change for Cancer Suns...both luminaries moving into Scorpio give you a renewed sense of what you feel and who you are. Rely on Saturn's discipline to sustain you until then.



What a time, with Jupiter in your Sun's sign! Juno (relatedness) is also prompting you to focus on how you relate to other people, especially significant others. Mars is providing energy, and Uranus is providing the unexpected - make sure to take some time to regroup this week! Relationships require extra attention this week, but it's well worth the effort.Your emotional life is on the same page as your strong core identity (Sun) on October 17 and 18. Take advantage of that to move forward both personally and professionally while it's available! Be ready for the influx of watery energies at the end of the week - be prepared for a more spiritual week next week.



Your analytical approach to life is very much involved with other people for at least the first half of the week. October 19 and 20 shows the emotional life on par with your Sun - in Virgo - and it's a time to pay attention to obtaining what you want and need. Involvement with people, a theme for you this week, also carries the possibility of conflict, so try to allay that before it starts. Overall the possibility of a very productive week - if you are able to acclimate to Saturn's demand for discipline and structure.



What a week for you! Venus at home in your Sun's sign has the potential to make this an enjoyable week in the company of others. The occasional misunderstanding is easily smoothed over with Venus' social graces. Jupiter has a reasonable influence, adding joviality to Venus' blessings. The end of the week (October 22 and 23) registers your wants and needs under Venus' umbrella, something nice to experience before the sharp change when Sun and Moon move from your Sun's sign to Scorpio. If you feel Uranus' disruption and Pluto's changes this week, use your sharp communication skills and people skills to move forward.



Mid-week (October 19 and 20) is a good time to reflect on your emotional life. Your Sun's planetary ruler, Pluto, conflicts with several personal planets - Sun, Mercury, and Venus - this week. Your power to sway situations with your magnetic charm must contend with Mercury in reverse, a very strong Venus, and the Sun not yet in your Sun's sign until the very end of the week. So laying low might be a good strategy this week, something that is natural for you anyway! You still have a great opportunity to touch the lives of others this week, just be prepared to do a lot of necessary work to make it productive.



'Energy' is a key word for you this month! You have plenty of energy and drive to explore your world. You generally have a smooth week regarding relationships (watch for a few bumps in that road on October 19 and 20). October 17 and 18 is probably the best time of the week for you, in fact, don't be tempted to neglect your regular life to be the life of the party for two days. You have the opportunity to develop your relationships this week, especially if you find a way to overcome communication difficulties.



Discipline and drive to succeed is overshadowing your week. Working through difficult issues at work or home is handled best on October 19 and 20. Rely on your Sun's earthy characteristics to remain grounded and factual if communication problems arise. Pluto is in your Sun's sign, so week's end (October 23) will give you a powerful boost, compensation for the possible chaos from various sources to be dealt with, with Sun in Libra for most of the week. If Uranus is too disruptive for you this week, work hard to find a benefactor for help.



Relationships are topsy-turvy for you this week, but fun. Some moderation is in order, however, with Saturn looking over your shoulder. This is also a rather intellectual month for you; don't worry about having to "re-think" some of your ideas with Mercury retrograde, they still have enormous potential. Venus and Jupiter both give you a boost throughout the week. Even Mars is reasonably agreeable; you have a decent reserve of energy and will this week. This is a good week to plan ahead and have your affairs in reasonably good order, before Sun and Moon entering Scorpio throws a curve ball at you.



Relationships have some beneath the surface tension this week, but you are adept in dealing with nebulous situations. Also be aware of strong-willed people and potentially "heated" situations...the powerful Neptune in your Sun's sign is quite a contrast to the more practical daily concerns this week. Use your sense of discipline and structure to help make your long-term goals and dreams a reality. Be aware of emotionally charged situations on October 19 and 20; spiritual strength will help you through potentially difficult personal and professional situations.


Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to
