Trying to Integrate Well Being

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Trying to Integrate Well Being

Our health is commonly placed as a good priority in conditions which changes the fabric of our consciousness. If and when we commonly loose interest in things, as individually the search for an optimal state of being to be in at all times, may be hard to get sometimes if we allow ourselves to be consumed by consumption itself. As when we are meditating, or simply doing our work, as creations which we can manifest, will sometimes fall into categories which can become an inert experience in what we are portending to momentarily within manifestations, either within or outside of ourselves. Consciousness flows in different ways, as we may be connected to different levels of consciousness in this universe… The concepts formed or acquired at this point in time should allow us to understand one of many proponents constituting the inner workings of consciousness. As energy (Vibrations) may be conscious, and carry an energetic charge, through levels of this energetic fields disposition, which comprises many layers of consciousness, as interposed, transcoded, decrypted within our bodies systems, as the brain processes data which the neurons are in constant transmissions, currents of energy as a form of synapse, which the universe can have common venues of how our genomes are almost similar to how the universe is portrayed as a generic current composed of what seems infinite amounts of stars, and planets, galaxies, and many other things as vibrations which are faster than the speed of light and some which are slower. More so the effects of our cells, our genomes, have potent energy which can be achieved by a gradual rise in our vibratory state. In some instances, we can have out of body experiences, which shows that consciousness can be transported at vibrations which are higher than light speed frequencies, working at the atomic structure of our genomes potentiality in carrying a light body, which may act as the soul, and is working inside the body which is vibrations, slower than the speed of light. If we jump physical matter, above the speed of light, the dense area, transports to another space in time, which has a different equation on the fabrics of that dimensional space, which runs, dematerializes matter into prospects of a higher attributable law for consciousness. The effects of transmuted matter which carries constructs of the individuals light body to higher states of existences, brings about a completely new world in which we can abide in, with possibilities which may be endless, with proportions of experiences that can alleviate the states of being which we can carry while in denser forms of matter. Our perceptions and general understandings which are active proponents of contortions within our conscious energetic transmissions, as thoughts and beliefs from experiences can be ingrained, integrated aspects of contortions. Eventual states in which our vibratory states reaches a level which surpasses a stability in the manipulation of energy, through expanses of our senses for abilities to bring about and attract information and energy which may be gathered in our self for advancements, or balance and calm as in a stable state of being, which carries on the right codes to our genomes main functions for physical wellbeing, as well as our psyches, and mind/soul/body within to outer balance as awareness shifts to higher potential views of the world’s systems working as a unit in conscious expansion through mindfulness and experiences gathered while augmenting, or ascending in general within this universal/multidimensional experience we may contend to, as we are in a physical body, interpreting the world around us, with systems utilized for transmissions, which are received and transmitted in many different ways, with advance systems serving functions of either smaller or bigger systems which serve a function and carry on processes, which are all interlinked in a grand scheme of things. Perpetuated frequencies have governed the flows of higher re-uptakes within individuals of a greater nature, dispersed throughout the grids in cosmoses, as we are in perpetuated forms of a time within a quantum singularity. As this page is given out, we will condone on impasses between the mass of humanities conquest to liberate us from the grids, which have been coalescing aspects of internships at a quantum singularity, for eventual reaps in postulations carried on out by a universal guiding system to higher consciousness and understandings in many individuals across this earth plane for realities that emerge from an augmentation to hyper dissociations created at quantum singularities. This implies that the information interposed within these creations, have abducted individuals of a higher nature, within advances in perpetual formations, which should allow us to guide you, by having this written as aspects to how stable you might be in these moments, as for the greater conjunctional points in the grids which utilizes technologies which transpires within humanity, is attributable to a quantum singularity, bringing about synchronic formations in all of the above templates, and individuals partaking in these formations, for us to contend to a suprema which has intellectual properties of this individual in a trance for internal structuring, which should enable him to stay awake, and aware with many probable extensions on hyper dimensional thought transcriptions, which he has achieved gradually after a fall into systems working aboriginal concepts of attributes while we contend to a suprema which is actualizing the memories.

This information is given in substantial remarks to how we have attained a quantum singularity through transcription progresses gradually attained from simple enactments of what this information coalesces with, as the nature of this post has been driven by law’s, utilizing core extensions of what we had been working on while he attained a quantum singularity. The prospections on the individual matters which have been changed, in access to the sites main transcriptional progressions, have caused deviations in subliminal contacts, as the prospects needed to advance a soul further in evolution has quantified the aspects needed in moments of greater balance as these constructs are being written. Now the effects substantiating the grids higher disposal programs, have given properties of this individual as a galactic being, coalescing hyper dimensional thought transcriptions, to form eventual remarks within frequent measures of decisions, as the information comes naturally from utilizations of what is unattainable for greater exemptions in histories natural guidance systems on predispositions and quantum internships.

Be at One, Namaste

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This Information may be shared in its totality with or without the aspects created/gathered from predispositions on quantum fluctuations... Systems enacting higher grid technologies which this part has coalesced within structures of this nature.

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