By: Twelve Insight Journal 09/01/2013
From an Inner Circle reader: If I am 100% responsible for what I have created, does that mean I created my own obstacles too? What do I do about that? Everything that is present within your field of experience you called forth at one time or another. So the short answer is yes, you created your own obstacles, your own demons. It is your focused center of attention that calls them forth into your field, but you call forth both the wanted and the unwanted. Both of those things come forward to do your bidding.
The things that stay away from you are the ones that you ignore completely. “Eh, who cares about that?” will pretty much guarantee that you won’t be receiving very much of that in your experience—even if you are surrounded by it—and you are. There is an abundance of everything in the universe already present: it’s just this matter of awareness; awareness that is guided by your attention.
But we need to make a distinction between inattention and denial. Inattention means that you are not directing any energy—Source Energy—towards it at all. It is something that really is of no interest to you, so that you pay no attention to it all, even if other people around you are completely tied up with it. Denial, on the other hand, directs massive amounts of energy towards the object of attention.
It is your attention that is the key. “Where is my attention being directed and why?” Is a very good question to ask yourself if you want to consciously control your life experience. Paying attention to your attention is a critical step in taking control of your own thoughts.
You are loved and blessed upon your journey.
~ Twelve