The Unknowing is Upon Us!
Do you feel like everything is different these last few months?
Are you trying to figure out why the way you do things
doesn’t seem to work anymore?
Well, you are not alone!
That is the most important aspect to
remember now and as we move forward!
We are not alone.
We are becoming more and more aware
of the changes that are transpiring.
Our vibrational sonar is awakening on much deeper levels.
We are going through a universal
transformation of such intensity that it isn’t
something you actually put into words.
It is an inner knowing and familiar feeling of
something very deep and close to our souls.
We are like the caterpillar going through its changes
while in their chrysalis stage of life.
We are becoming the beautiful butterflies we all know we are,
but not quite able to own yet.
Now is the time to OWN who we are,
move through and free ourselves.
Become the butterfly, the free spirit who
has much to express and do, to create a rhythm
that is in congruency with the changes of our universe…
We all have a calling, inner voice that is
nudging at us to listen and act on what we hear
and know is for our best interest.
We have the luxury to start a new canvas,
to create our inner desires and manifest them
through the inspiration and action of living each moment.
What are you waiting for? A better day, a better time?
The veils are being lifted and it is not what it was.
The unknown is what is in front of us.
For too long we have been programmed to think
and feel that the unknown is scary and dark.
I, as well have felt that in the past.
This is the illusion.
We are much brighter, intelligent and
bigger than the illusion can be.
What is the next step you take?
What will bring joy and love on your path?
As you answer, listen closely!
Follow that and the illusion will become transformed.
You will have broken out of your Chrysalis stage
and you will shine brightly for all to see.
Joy and love will guide you through.
They will light your path and bring you to Now.
The unknown is upon you!
Welcome it.