UPDATED, Important Suggestion from Gaia

Yojman's picture


** Update Below


To the many of us (you,)

who upon my bulk

are wishing for the

immediate transformation

of the species,

I wish for you to remember

the Divine Plan of you

being the Bridge to Freedom that you are.

The scene on my planet

has gone so far into separation

that only the Greatest Powers in all of Creation

could possibly bring us all home safely.

Within this Power that You are

is the daily recognition

of the vast Celestial Forces,

i.e.• the 12 Great Elohim,

• the Hand and • Infinite Circle of the Godhead,

and • all the Ascended Masters

who have gone before us.


Girded with these identities

you may become

the greatest healing and Freedom

to the Powers of Nature

and the Beings of the Elements,

and the rest of Humanity thst is

your job now, to reach and assist


If any of you were to call forth

for, "the Sacred Fire Freedom"

of all the powers of Heaven

to go before you in an infinite circle

and set all of Nature and daily life free

from discord, you would have instant feedback !

They will demonstrate their Love to you.

I Am a voice of Gaia.

*** There is very recently released knowledge regarding an active agenda that has now coalesced into an underway mission to bring another attack on the North American continent from the extreme Jihad. This was revealed by the Ascended Master Spies called K17. The attack is set for a couple days, right around Chistmas. The warning came via the Goddess of Light on Wed. Oct 17 ((She is the Great One who warned the Light Workers in 1960 of an inside job to bring down the USA...)

The UPDATE is that the only efficient way to bring intevevntion from THEM to directly help is to Expand your Heart Flame, because it is ALL POWERFUL and knows no limitation.

Visualize, Direct, and Feel your God Flame moving into action, in your own unique way.