U.S. Feds Finally Approve Research on the Medicinal Properties of the Whole Marijuana Plant

will's picture
Last week, the Public Health Service announced that they would approve a University of Arizona study on the use of marijuana for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

With this announcement, it seems that the marijuana plant is heading into unknown territory – federally-supported research examining its possible benefits.
But, is this really new territory? Yes and no.

Read the full article... (drugpolicy.org)



can they be trusted?

bobbyauto's picture

are they doing the testing to make cannabis look bad or are they pursueing the truth? you know they could easily make it look bad as well as good. along as it is the truth, that is all it matters.

I was going to say why don't lisa use cannabis oil for her father. it suppose to be very effective!

I don't trust them, but this

will's picture

I don't trust them, but this does indicate a change in policy as they're now allowing other organizations to do the research.