The Vatican Vaults Edited Edition

David Porter's picture

The most wealthy “organization” on planet Earth with 1.2 billion members, constructed and owned by the cabal/elite/illuminazis.


The ones of greater determination for their agendas than you all put together to date. The ones that taught you through fear invoked methods, “BELIEF SYSTEMS” abbreviated as (BS) have imprisoned you with your own money making you to be the fool in their subterfuge.


If you are one of the 1.2 billion that has financed this most deceitful of the all “businesses” on Earth, you are entitled no less than knowing what it is that your “10%” has done “for you. Do you agree?


They say how dare you question “God,” well my friends they are not That which you think to be God. And if I read it correctly, God said VIA The Bible and most other teachings to by all means question, test “HIM” and even COMMAND HIM, “Him” for those that understand God in gender terms. "Command ye me."


If you want the truth of all truths of your planet, this is the one and only place you need to look for it, in the Vatican Vaults.


You won’t need 99% of the population to STORM THE VATICAN!!! Or even 10%, not even 1%. You won’t even need 10% of their membership count. But just imagine 1% of the members that financed this institution to show up with all “tools” needed to enter the 25 miles of underground tunnels where they have hidden all the evidence of everything about you, your planet, and all their dirty deeds to both.


The “Ark of the Covenant” is only one of thousands of this nature of hidden truths from you. The day is upon you now along with the decision to unlock the lies. This is where they are stored.  


One percent of the Catholic membership is 12 million people. All packed and loaded with what is your legal right to carry, all necessary “tools” for entry. Do you think this would get you in? Once this “intel” is out, their games of playing you for sleeping sheep are over for good, never to return to your planet.


The Pope is charged now to throw you bits and pieces of some of the crumbs to satisfy you for the time being while they conjure up their next move. And as always, that is all you will continue to get if you leave this in “their hands,” bits & pieces.

The Vatican has intent to televise an “alien invasion” as to instil fear enough in you all that you will give in to anything they lead you to. DON'T GO WITH THEM!!! And DON'T TAKE THEIR VACCINES!!! This will be inline with the same they felt need to do to you in their 911 theatrical false flag display. They had much to hide with 911 and little time to hide it.

If this does come to surface, the reason they will be deep underground is due to the enormity of weapons they use on you for the scare and they think they can hide from the “real” aliens that do have “intervention rights” to assist the people of Earth in a case this devastating to you and Her.


This tax free “company,” (the Vatican), was established by your funds and your funds alone and therefore it belongs to whom?


This is the one single disclosure that will open ALL others that are hidden from you that exist on your planet.


The happy hunting grounds just beneath your feet, may “The Force” be with you. 


David Porter, Author of the series

Remember Who You Are, book one, The Awakening