Vision Quest: An Experience of Direct Knowing

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By Glenn Aparicio Parry, PhD

On my quest, I came to see every blade of grass, every plant, rock, tree, or insect as a teacher

There is a reason why vision quests are traditionally something that adolescents engage in as a rite of passage into adulthood; young people are clearly better able to withstand the physical demands. But, ultimately, a vision quest is not about suffering; it is about receiving a vision.

In my case, I received benefits even before my first [vision] quest began—from the moment I contemplated doing it. That night, I had multiple dreams of dying and being reborn into a new awareness, of connecting to ancestor spirits emerging from the ocean and floating through the air. I also began to hear differently, both in my dreams and in waking life. Common sounds—bird calls, branches swaying, leaves whispering—became more prominent. Spirit seemed to be telling me that it was all about listening. I could feel the muscles behind my ear twitching in anticipation, and I eventually realized that I was being prepared for something that my rational mind could not possibly understand.
